Page 47 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 24-25
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        Please note that these are indicative modules and may be subject to change. All modules are 15 credits unless noted otherwise.
                                                                          You can choose from
                                                                          several optional modules
                                                                          at King’s College London
                                                                          during your third year.

           • Biology of cells      COMPULSORY MODULES         COMPULSORY MODULES                • Research skills
                                                                                                • Research project
                                                                 • Biodiversity Action Plan
                                      • The basis of disease
           • Inheritance, genetics      • Ageing and degeneration    Dissertation (30 credits)    (105 credits)
          and evolution               • Principles of infectious disease    • Research project (30 credits)
           • Developmental biology    • Control of infectious disease    • Interventions
           • The moving animal        • Wild animal biology      • Ecology: Individuals, Populations,
           • Integrated physiology I     • Research project (30 credits)     and Communities
           • Integrated physiology II
                                   OPTIONAL MODULES (select 1)  OPTIONAL MODULES
           • Problem definition and
          investigation (including     • Imaging of disease      • Applied molecular microbiology
          first-year research project)    • Introduction to ‘One Health’    • Advanced skeletal pathobiology
                                      • Introduction to Animal      • Animal behaviour and cognition
                                     Behaviour, Welfare and Ethics    • Comparative animal locomotion
                                                                (30 credits)
                                                                 • Development and disease
        Our MSci Biological Sciences (WHS)                       • Omics approach to biology
        gives our students groundings in both basic              • Endocrine and metabolic
        health sciences, and their application in the           syndromes
        field of wildlife health. Career options are
        therefore reflective of these skills. Most of            • Parasitology of human and
        our graduates go on to pursue careers in                veterinary tropical diseases
        wildlife management (government agencies                 • Practical investigative biology
        in both developing and developed countries),             • Science of animal welfare
        wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife related research
        (universities, zoological collections)
        or zoo management.

                                                              “The RVC equips us well with the skills and practice that
                                                              will definitely be needed in our careers. I intend to pursue
                                                              research in wildlife conservation, so not only are the
                                                              practicals a great stepping stone to develop the required
                                                              skills, the research projects, presentations and write-ups
                                                              are essential towards my goals after graduation. The RVC
                                                              provides numerous opportunities for students looking
                                                              to network and gain work experience. I’ve already been
                                                              working with ZSL London Zoo on behavioural research
                                                              studies. Studying at the RVC is truly a remarkable
                                                              experience with everyone with the same passion working
                                                              towards a common goal alongside you.”
                                                              LAURA CHUA
                                                              MSci Wildlife Health Sciences
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