Page 49 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 24-25
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Advanced Highers in Biology (B) or Chemistry (B) plus another   HONG KONG
        science subject from Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Maths (B).    Obtain the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education
        in addition to:                                       (HKDSE) with grades 544 in Biology, Chemistry and one other
        Five Highers (B or above) and at least National 5 in English,   elective subject, plus grade 4 in Maths and grade 5 in English
        Mathematics and Biology, Chemistry or Physics (B). If you have   core subjects. We will consider Maths as an elective subject
        bypassed one or more of these subjects at National 5, you will   in place of either Biology or Chemistry, provided both the
        need this subject/grade at Higher level.              compulsory and the extended modules are taken with grades
                                                              5* (compulsory part) and 5 (extended part).
        Contextual offers may be made to students who meet our Widening
        Participation criteria and are taking applicable qualifications.  USA
                                                              HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION:
        IRISH LEAVING CERTIFICATE                             We will accept any of the following combinations:
        H2,H2,H3,H3,H3,H3 including Biology or Chemistry plus     • Graduate High School with at least four full-year Advanced
        another science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Maths).     Placement examinations at grade 4443 including two science
        If not included in the above, O3 is required in a second natural     subjects* both at grade 4
        science, English and Mathematics.
                                                                • Graduate High School with at least four full-year Advanced
                                                                Placement examinations at grade 4443 including one science
        CANADIAN SECONDARY SCHOOL DIPLOMA                       subject* at grade 4 and a SAT subject test in a different
        Dependent on province, applications are considered for the     science subject* at 650+
        Biological Sciences programmes if you meet, or are predicted
        to meet, the following requirements:                  ACT TEST:
                                                              We will accept any of the following combinations:
           • 83% average across grade 12 in the Secondary School
          Diploma/High School Graduation Diploma including      • ACT score of 26 (including Writing test) plus APs in 2 science
                                                                subjects* at grade 4
           • 73% in English and Maths in grade 11 or 12
                                                                • ACT score of 26 (including Writing test) plus IB Higher Level
                                                                certificates in 2 science subjects * at Grade 5
        Pass the Baccalauréat général with 12 overall and 13 in two     • ACT score of 26 (including Writing test) plus SAT subject tests
        of the following enseignements de spécialité, which must be     in 2 science subjects* at 650+ and one other subject at 650+
        taken to terminale: Sciences de la Vie et de la terre, Physique-  SAT TEST:
        Chimie or Mathématiques. If not achieved at grade 13 as part   Please contact us for the previous SAT requirements, if you sat
        of this requirement, Maths is required at grade 12 in either the   these prior to the qualification being discontinued.
        terminale or penultimate year. [OIB Anglais: if 14 is achieved in   * Science subjects: Where “science subjects” is specified
        English, no further English language qualification is required].
                                                              above, applicants are required to fulfil the requirements by
        For those graduating with the Baccalauréat général from 2021:   offering either Biology or Chemistry plus one further science,
        one’s enseignements de spécialité through to terminale will   which can be any of  the following: Biology, Chemistry, Physics,
        need to be two of Earth & Life Sciences, Physics-Chemistry   Calculus or Mathematics. The RVC’s institution code for College
        and Mathematics. If SVT/Physics-Chemistry are continued,   Board to be used when sending your results is 7970.
        one’s Maths grade will be taken from the penultimate year.
                                                              ENGLISH LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS
        Pass the Federal Maturity Certificate or Federally Recognised   IELTS (Academic) score of 7.0 or above with a minimum of
        Cantonal Maturity Certificate with an overall average of 4.6    6.5 in each component or an alternate, acceptable English
        (on the 6-point scale) including 4.5 in Biology and Chemistry    language qualification.
        as the Schwerpunktfach/Option Spécifique. A minimum of 4.0   For a list of accepted alternative English language qualifications
        in Maths is also required.                            f

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