Page 51 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 24-25
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        Our small animal referrals service is                 SERVICES

        based at the Queen Mother Hospital for                •  Anaesthesia and analgesia  •  Neurology and
        Animals at our Hawkshead Campus.                      •  Behaviour clinic         neurosurgery
                                                                                        •  Nutrition
        The hospital is the largest referral                  •  Cardiology             •  Oncology
                                                              •  Critical care
        hospital in Europe, with the greatest                 •  Dermatology            •  Ophthalmology
        concentration of veterinary specialists               •  Diagnostic imaging     •  Orthopaedic surgery
        and specialists-in-training (over 100                 •  Emergency referral     •  Physiotherapy and
        from over 10 countries).                              •  Exotics                •  Soft tissue surgery
                                                              •  First Opinion Emergency
                                                                                        •  Transfusion medicine
                                                              •  Internal Medicine

        We offer a responsive, friendly and helpful service to referring
        vets and pet owners 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Our
        world-class specialists and clinicians treat over 17,000 animals
        each year, leading the way in clinical practice and are at the
        cutting-edge of veterinary medicine.

        Veterinary Medicine students will spend time on       “During my placement, I have enjoyed rotations
        their clinical rotations (in their 4th year and final year)   because students are actively involved in the clinical
        to work and learn in the QMHA. You will dedicate time   discussion surrounding your cases. As well as having
        to gaining practical clinical experience with real life   the opportunity to ask questions and being asked my
        cases, consolidating your learning about diagnosis and   thoughts and interpretations on various cases.  With this
        management of animal diseases.                        comes knowledge on disease processes and clinical
                                                              presentations, which I will remember when I qualify.
        Veterinary Nursing students have the opportunity to work    Along with the hands-on and practical skills, I have
        and learn in the small animal referrals hospital, developing   learned valuable client communication skills that will
        practical care skills, client care, and management.   benefit me and my future patients. While on rotations, I
                                                              have had the opportunity to take histories for clinically
        The experience gained in our hospitals will expand    challenging cases and learnt how to form meaningful client
        your knowledge and understanding of how veterinary    relationships. Rotations have made me incredibly excited
        practices and organisations operate, and help you     for my future as a qualified vet.”
        develop your soft skills and become confident in case
        management. This is a vital part of graduating from your   SYDNEY HARRINGTON
        course ready for work.                                Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine

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