Page 44 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 24-25
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RVET           4         D302
           R84          YEARS       (D304)       CAMDEN                            f

                                  (WITH PLACEMENT
        MSci BIOVETERINARY                                    COURSE OVERVIEW

        SCIENCES                                              This programme focuses on developing your knowledge,
                                                              analytical skills and practical skills. Modules are structured
                                                              across the first three years of the course to build a broad base
                                                              of knowledge, whilst also allowing the opportunity to specialise
        The MSci in Bioveterinary Sciences is                 through optional module selections and research projects in
        an undergraduate integrated master’s                  your second and third year.
        degree, the aim of which is to prepare                The fourth year comprises an extensive, in-depth research
        you for a PhD or a career in an academic              project, together with training in advanced research methods.
                                                              This will build on your knowledge gained from your first three
        or industrial research environment,                   years and develop your scientific and transferable skills further,

        for example within the biotechnology                  making you ‘work ready’ and able to realise your full potential
                                                              as soon as you embark on your chosen career path after
        or pharmaceutical industries, and                     graduating from the course.
        for other biological, biomedicine and                 The course will deliver the underpinning knowledge of animal

        veterinary-related careers. Our MSci                  health and disease, where you will gain a better understanding
        Bioveterinary Sciences course holds                   of current fundamental research and related questions in
                                                              bioveterinary sciences. You will be exposed to cutting-edge
        Advanced Degree Accreditation by the                  fields of research in comparative physiology and medicine,
        Royal Society of Biology, highlighting                livestock production and health, and animal welfare science
                                                              and ethics. The course is particularly suitable for those
        its potential to educate the life science             considering a career in research.

        leaders and innovators of the future.
                                                              WORK PLACEMENTS AND
        ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                    RESEARCH PROJECTS
        We welcome applications from students with a wide range of   As well as research projects studied throughout your
        qualifications. For a complete list of academic qualifications   second and third years, the MSci programme’s fourth year
        and English Language requirements for this course, please see   is dedicated to a large research project. Throughout this
        pages 48-49.                                          research experience, you will be challenged by, and stimulated
                                                              to challenge, the currently accepted wisdom in bioveterinary
        COURSE COSTS                                          sciences. It is important to note that you will be responsible for
                                                              developing your hypothesis for your fourth-year project.
        UK tuition fees: £9,250*
        International tuition fees: £22,670*                  You will have the option to take a placement year after year two
        Placements/sandwich year: £1,850*                     in a workplace gaining skills and experience relevant to your
                                                              degree whilst earning an MSci Bioveterinary Sciences with
        * Tuition fees are subject to change. Fees listed are representative of entry in   Placement Year. See page 28-29 for more information.
        2023 and should be used as a guide only. See page 90 for more information.

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