Page 41 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 24-25
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        Please note that these are indicative modules and may be subject to change. All modules are 15 credits unless noted otherwise.


                                                                                                • Extended research
                                                                 • Research project (60 credits)
           • Biology of cells      COMPULSORY MODULES         COMPULSORY MODULES                • Research skills
                                      • Principles of
           • Inheritance, genetics      infectious disease                                     project (105 credits)
          and evolution               • Control of infectious disease  OPTIONAL MODULES
           • Developmental biology    • Principles of pharmacology     • Advanced concepts in bio-business
           • The moving animal        • Research project (30 credits)     • Advanced concepts in reproduction
           • Integrated physiology I                             • Advanced skeletal pathobiology
                                   OPTIONAL MODULES (select 1)
           • Integrated physiology II                            • Animal behaviour and cognition
                                      • Applied pharmacology
           • Problem definition and                              • Applied animal welfare
          investigation (including     • Imaging of disease      • Applied molecular microbiology
          first-year research project)     • Introduction to ‘One Health’
                                                                 • Comparative animal locomotion
                                      • Introduction to Animal      (30 credits)
                                     Behaviour, Welfare and Ethics
                                                                 • Comparative models of disease
                                                                 • Development and disease
                                                                 • Omics approach to biology
                                                                 • Comparative anatomy
                                                                 • Endocrine and metabolic syndromes
        YOUR CAREER                                              • Epidemiology: the bigger picture

        The RVC’s MSci Applied                                   • Infection and immunity (30 credits)
        Bioveterinary Research is a                              • Parasitology of human and
        challenging yet rewarding                               veterinary tropical diseases
        course that will equip you                               • Practical investigative biology
        with practical techniques and                            • Science of animal welfare
        transferable skills for a range
        of careers allied to biomedical
        and veterinary scientific
        research and academia.

                                                              “I have enjoyed the variety of modules that are taught
                                                              on the course and to view science from a veterinary and
                                                              human health perspective has helped me to develop a
                                                              deeper understanding into disease and science. The
                                                              scientific facilities are fantastic at the RVC and you are
                                                              able to learn so many techniques. In the course there are
                                                              multiple opportunities to present your research which gets
                                                              you prepared for the future if you want a career in science.”
                                                              HANNAH MCKAY
                                                              MSci Applied Bioveterinary Research

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