Page 37 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 24-25
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        Please note that these are indicative modules and may be subject to change. All modules are 15 credits unless noted otherwise.


           • Biology of cells               COMPULSORY MODULES                  COMPULSORY MODULES
                                               • The basis of disease
                                                                                  • Wildlife Health Sciences research
           • Inheritance, genetics             • Ageing and degeneration          project (30 credits)
          and evolution                        • Principles of infectious disease   •  Biodiversity Action Plan Dissertation
           • Developmental biology             • Control of infectious disease    (30 credits)
           • The moving animal                 • Wild animal biology            •  Interventions
           • Integrated physiology I           • Wildlife Health Sciences research   •  Ecology: Individuals, Populations,
                                                                                  and Communities
           • Integrated physiology II         project (30 credits)
           • Problem definition and investigation                                 • OPTIONAL MODULES (select 1)
          (including first-year research project)   OPTIONAL MODULES (select 1)    • Applied molecular microbiology
                                               • Imaging of disease
                                                                                  • Advanced skeletal pathobiology
                                               • Introduction to ‘One Health’
                                                                                  • Animal behaviour and cognition
                                               • Introduction to Animal Behaviour,
                                              Welfare and Ethics                  • Comparative animal locomotion
                                                                                  (30 credits)
                                                                                  • Development and disease
                                                                                  • Omics approach to biology
                                                                                  • Endocrine and metabolic syndromes
        YOUR CAREER                                                               • Parasitology of human and veterinary
                                                                                  tropical diseases
        Our BSc Biological Sciences (WHS)                                         • Practical investigative biology
        gives our students groundings in
        both basic health sciences and their                                      • Science of animal welfare
        application in the field of wildlife health.
        Most of our graduates from this course
        go on to pursue careers in wildlife
        management (government agencies
        in both developing and developed
        countries), wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife
        related research (universities, zoological                              “All the lecturers are really
        collections) or zoo management.                                         knowledgeable and passionate about
                                                                                the subjects they teach, and I like how
        A very popular route following graduation                               they are also researching in their fields.
        is postgraduate study. This degree is also                              I love how challenging the course is and
        suitable for students who wish to apply to                              how friendly and helpful the staff and
        Graduate entry for veterinary medicine,                                 other students have been.”
        medicine and dentistry.                                                 GRACE READ
                                                                                BSc Wildlife Health Sciences

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