Page 35 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 24-25
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        Please note that these are indicative modules and may be subject to change. All modules are 15 credits unless noted otherwise.


                                               • The basis of disease
           • Biology of cells               COMPULSORY MODULES                      • Investigative project (30 credits)
                                                                                OPTIONAL MODULES
           • Inheritance, genetics             • Ageing and degeneration
          and evolution                        • Principles of infectious disease     • Advanced concepts in bio-business
           • Developmental biology             • Control of infectious disease    • Advanced concepts in reproduction
           • The moving animal                 • Principles of pharmacology       • Applied molecular microbiology
           • Integrated physiology I           • Investigative project (30 credits)     • Advanced skeletal pathobiology
           • Integrated physiology II                                             • Animal behaviour and cognition
           • Problem definition and         OPTIONAL MODULES (select 1)           • Applied animal welfare
          investigation (including first-      • Applied pharmacology             • Comparative animal locomotion
          year research project)               • Imaging of disease               (30 credits)
                                               • Introduction to ‘One Health’     • Comparative models of disease
                                               • Introduction to Animal Behaviour,      • Comparative anatomy
                                              Welfare and Ethics                  • Omics approach to biology

                                                                                  • Critical Literature Review (30 credits)
        YOUR CAREER                                                               • Development and disease
                                                                                  • Endocrine and metabolic syndromes
        With the expansion and development                                        • Epidemiology: the bigger picture
        of para-veterinary roles, including
        bioveterinary scientists, there are many                                  • Infection and immunity (30 credits)
        opportunities for our graduates to work                                   • Parasitology of human and veterinary
        in roles that support the promotion                                       tropical diseases
        of animal health and welfare in all                                       • Practical investigative biology
        its aspects. Other graduates go on                                        • Science of animal welfare
        to hold prominent positions in the
        pharmaceutical industry, the agricultural
        industry, government, the medical
        research sector, and publishing.
                                                                                “I have been highly stimulated by
                                                                                the course at the RVC. I find the
                                                                                teaching staff to be excellent, critical
                                                                                scientists who are wholly-intent on
                                                                                developing the best scientific minds
                                                                                for the next generation.”
                                                                                JAMES SWEET JONES
                                                                                BSc Bioveterinary Sciences graduate

                                                                      RVC                 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES  35
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