Page 33 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 24-25
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        Please note that these are indicative modules and may be subject to change. All modules are 15 credits unless noted otherwise.


           • Biology of cells               COMPULSORY MODULES                      • Research project (30/60 credits)
                                               • The basis of disease
                                                                                OPTIONAL MODULES
           • Inheritance, genetics             • Ageing and degeneration
          and evolution                        • Principles of infectious disease     • Advanced concepts in bio-business
           • Developmental biology             • Control of infectious disease    • Advanced concepts in reproduction
           • The moving animal                 • Principles of pharmacology       • Applied molecular microbiology
           • Integrated physiology I           • Research project (30 credits)     • Advanced skeletal pathobiology
           • Integrated physiology II                                             • Animal behaviour and cognition
           • Problem definition and         OPTIONAL MODULES (select 1)           • Applied animal welfare
          investigation (including first-      • Applied pharmacology             • Comparative animal locomotion
          year research project)               • Imaging of disease               (30 credits)
                                               • Introduction to ‘One Health’     • Comparative models of disease
                                               • Introduction to Animal Behaviour,      • Comparative anatomy
                                              Welfare and Ethics                  • Critical Review (30 credits)
                                                                                  (co-requisite 30-credit research project)
                                                                                  • Omics approach to biology
        YOUR CAREER                                                               • Development and disease
                                                                                  • Endocrine and metabolic syndromes
        The RVC’s BSc Biological Sciences is a
        challenging yet rewarding course that will                                • Epidemiology: the bigger picture
        equip you with practical techniques and                                   • Infection and immunity (30 credits)
        transferable skills for a range of careers                                • Parasitology of human and veterinary
        allied to biomedical and bioveterinary                                    tropical diseases
        science, scientific research and academia,                                • Practical investigative biology
        conservation, animal welfare and charities,                               • Science of animal welfare
        the biotechnology/bioscience and
        pharmaceutical industries, the health sector,
        teaching, publishing, media, veterinary
        science and graduate schemes in sectors as                              “The teaching here is really great,
        diverse as finance and government.
                                                                                I feel that we are being taught
                                                                                by researchers who are at the
                                                                                forefront of research themselves.
                                                                                It makes a lot of difference to me
                                                                                being part of a small specialist
                                                                                institution as I feel like I get a lot
                                                                                of support from staff and students
                                                                                alike. I feel completely at home.”

                                                                                AROOSA HASHMI
                                                                                BSc Biological Sciences

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