Page 32 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 24-25
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RVET           3         C100
           R84          YEARS       (C101)       CAMDEN                            f

                                  (WITH PLACEMENT
        BSc BIOLOGICAL                                        COURSE OVERVIEW

        SCIENCES                                              The course will give you a clear and detailed understanding
                                                              of underpinning physiology and cellular and molecular
                                                              biology, as well as an insight into disease mechanisms and an
                                                              appreciation of comparative and integrated approaches to aid
        The BSc Biological Sciences course                    diagnosis and treatment in the future.
        offers a unique programme of research,                The course explores the basic biological sciences that inform
        unrivalled teaching and some of the                   current biomedical research and clinical practice. Biological
        best practical facilities in the UK. The              Sciences is a hands-on course, and includes extensive
                                                              practical and small-group teaching, as well as opportunities for
        programme draws on our long history                   lab placements. You will be exposed to cutting-edge research

        of cutting-edge research that has                     in comparative physiology and medicine, livestock production
                                                              and health, and animal welfare science and ethics.
        contributed to advances in human
        and veterinary medicine, and explores                 WORK PLACEMENTS AND

        the fundamentals of biological and                    RESEARCH PROJECTS
        biomedical science that are needed to                 You will carry out investigative research projects in the
        understand and develop new therapies                  second and third years of the course, and have the
        for both human and animal diseases.                   opportunity to undertake an industry-based placement
                                                              after year 2 (BSc Biological Sciences with Placement Year),
                                                              see page 28-29 for more information. The industry-based
                                                              placement involves an additional year based at an employer
        ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                    where you can focus on developing skills and industry
        We welcome applications from students with a wide range of   expertise that will sit alongside the knowledge you gain
        qualifications. For a complete list of academic qualifications   throughout your course. Please note that you will need to find
        and English Language requirements for this course, please see   your own placement, but support and guidance will be given,
        pages 48-49.                                          as well as tutorial support throughout your placement year.
                                                              Internal research projects will be conducted at the RVC,
                                                              with supervision from a member of academic staff.

        UK tuition fees: £9,250*
        International tuition fees: £22,670*
        Placements/sandwich year: £1,850*
        * Tuition fees are subject to change. Fees listed are representative of entry in 2023
        and should be used as a guide only. See page 90 for more information.

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