Page 31 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 24-25
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        Please note that these are indicative modules and may be subject to change. All modules are 15 credits and most are based at Camden except
        for the Y2 research project and the Y3 compulsory modules which are at Hawkshead campus.

                                               • The basis of disease
                                                                                  • Animal behaviour and cognition
           • Biology of cells               COMPULSORY MODULES                  COMPULSORY MODULES
           • Inheritance, genetics             • Ageing and degeneration          • Science of animal welfare
          and evolution                        • Principles of infectious disease     • Applied animal welfare
           • Developmental biology             • Control of infectious disease    • Animals and human society
           • The moving animal                 • Introduction to animal           • Animal behaviour/welfare/ethics
           • Integrated physiology I          behaviour, welfare and ethics       research project (60 credits)
           • Integrated physiology II          • Animal behaviour/welfare/ethics
           • Problem definition and           research project (30 credits)     OPTIONAL MODULES (select 1 in place
                                                                                of a compulsory 30 credit module)
          investigation (including first-
          year animal behaviour welfare/    OPTIONAL MODULES (select 1)           • Endocrine and metabolic syndromes
          ethics research project)             • Principles of pharmacology       • Epidemiology: the bigger picture
                                               • Wild animal biology              • Parasitology of human and veterinary
        WORK PLACEMENTS AND                                                       tropical diseases
        RESEARCH PROJECTS                                                         • Practical investigative biology
                                                                                  • Advanced concepts in biobusiness
        You will carry out investigative research                                 • Omic approaches to biology
        projects on animal behaviour, welfare or   YOUR CAREER                    • Comparative anatomy
        ethics topics in the second and third years   This degree will equip you with practical
        of the course, and have the opportunity to   techniques and transferable skills for a
        undertake an industry-based placement   range of careers allied to biomedical
        after year 2 (BSc Animal Biology Behaviour   and bioveterinary science, scientific
        Welfare and Ethics with Placement Year),   research and academia, conservation,
        see page 28-29 for more information.   animal welfare policy and charities,
        The industry-based placement involves   the biotechnology/bioscience and
        an additional year based at a relevant   pharmaceutical industries, animal
        employer, such as a charity or animal-  behaviour consultancy, farm industry,
        related establishment, where you can   teaching, publishing, media, veterinary
        focus on developing work place skills and   science and graduate schemes in sectors   “The course encompassed the science
        industry expertise that will sit alongside the   as diverse as finance and government.  behind biological processes as well
        knowledge you gain throughout your course.                              as the science behind understanding
                                                                                multiple ways to improve animal
        Please note that, if you opt for a year in                              welfare. Studying ABBWE at the
        industry, you will need to find your own                                RVC has helped me understand my
        placement, but support and guidance                                     learning style, confirmed my passion
        will be given, as well as tutorial support                              for animal welfare and encouraged me
        throughout your placement year.                                         to approach situations from different
                                                                                perspectives. It’s been a pleasure filled
        Internal research projects will be conducted                            with fantastic opportunities.”
        with supervision from a specialist member
        of RVC academic staff. Some projects are                                SAFIYYAH KADER
        located at RVC, whilst others take place at a                           BSc Animal Biology, Behaviour,
        relevant establishment, such as a farm, zoo                             Welfare and Ethics
        or animal sanctuary.
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