Page 26 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 24-25
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We are serious about As a small university, we can offer you the chance to
enjoy unrivalled practical laboratory time to learn and
science, and we are proud develop your hands-on scientific skills. Our world-
renowned experts and exciting research opportunities
to have contributed to will give you the learning experience you need to take
your knowledge to the highest level and to help shape
important advances in the future of science. You will have the chance to
undertake a research project in both your second and
the history of human and third year, with plenty of one-to-one support with your
tutors and course director. To complete your research
animal medicine, animal experience, choose an MSci course, which offers you
the unique opportunity of spending your entire final year
welfare, disease control on your own research project with both the MSci and
placement year options gaining Advanced Accreditation.
and the study of evolution.
Our Biological Sciences courses follow a ‘pathway’
approach. In your first year, you study a broad
range of modules providing you with a fundamental
understanding of biosciences. As you progress,
additional study options become available to you,
culminating in a final year investigative project. You will
...of Biological be able to choose from a wide variety of topics that are
Sciences students aligned to the research interests of academic staff.
in work or further All our BSc and MSci Biosciences courses are also
89% study fifteen months offered with an additional placement year after
after graduating your second year of study.
(most recent Graduate
Outcomes survey)
...of BSc BioScience
students find the course
94% intellectually stimulating
(National Student Survey 2022)