Page 24 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 24-25
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        AT THE RVC . . .


        THE COURSE                             THE ON COURSE EXPERIENCE

        2 pathways:                         •  Year one develops knowledge of   •  Study topics such as academic writing
           •  3-year FdSc Veterinary Nursing   anatomy and physiology, nutrition,   and evidence-based practice, ethics
           •  4-year BSc Veterinary Nursing    preventative healthcare, behaviour of   and animal welfare, regulation and
                                               the healthy animal                 reflection on your personal development
                                            •  Year two moves into clinical modules   are incorporated into all years
                                               including diagnostic techniques,   •  By the end of year-three students
                                               understanding disease, theatre     will have completed the required
                                               practice, emergency and critical care   1,800 placement hours to register
                                               and veterinary anaesthesia         with the RCVS
                                                                                •  The BSc includes a clinical
                                                                                  research project

        THE COURSE                             THE ON COURSE EXPERIENCE

        •  3-year BSc or 4-year MSci options  •  Biological sciences with an animal   •  Every pathway includes at least
        •  Different pathways allow specialism    and disease research focus      one major research project of
           in different topics              •  Employability skills training      your choice
        •  All courses offered with option     includes communication,          •  Each course offers a balance of
           of 1-year placement                 critical thinking and analysis     learning via practical laboratory
                                                                                  teaching, on campus teaching and

                                                                                  a minority of online delivery


        THE COURSE                            THE ON COURSE EXPERIENCE
        •  5-year BVetMed                   •  The early years concentrate on anatomy,   to clinical problem-solving
        •  4-year Graduate Accelerated         physiology and husbandry in a variety   •  The final years are almost entirely
           Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine     of healthy animals and species     practically based with opportunities to
        •  1-year Veterinary Gateway course   •  The course goes on to explore the   track in some areas of special interest
           giving access to the 5-year BVetMed   abnormal animal and disease – how
           if passed successfully              their body systems respond and are   •  There is also a requirement to
        •  Chance of Intercalated year         most effectively treated           undertake placements away from
                                                                                  the RVC in a variety of settings and to
                                            •  There is a major emphasis on training   spend time in other veterinary practices
        24                                     graduates to have a logical approach
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