Page 21 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 24-25
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HOUSING                             FINANCE
                                            Assistance, talks and surgeries on   Information and guidance on financial
                                            finding accommodation, contract     issues and money concerns including
                                            checking and free legal advice, including   student loans, grants, bursaries, debt,
                                            support from the University of London   benefits and budgeting.
                                            Housing Service (ULHS).   
        PRACTICAL                                 ADVICE CENTRE
         SUPPORT                            INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS              Impartial advice, information and
                                            A dedicated International Student Adviser   support on both campuses.
                                            to help with your transition to the UK.

                                            STUDENT SUCCESS                     SPECIALIST MENTORING
                                            COACHES                             Mentoring can be tailored to your
                                            Smarthinking 24/7 writing support,   individual needs and help you reach
                                            workshops and one-to-ones, on both   your full potential. The RVC works with
                                            campuses to help you be successful    the University Mentoring Organisation
                                            in your course.                     (UMO) which may be funded through the
        ACADEMIC                              government-funded Disabled Students
         SUPPORT                            CAREERS AND                         Allowance (DSA) for UK students or by
                                                                                the RVC for International/EU students.
                                            Are you career ready? Get help with CVs,
                                            interviews, cover letters, identifying trans-
                                            ferable skills, career decisions and more.

                                            STUDENT WELLBEING                   PHYSICAL HEALTH
                                            ADVISORS in the Advice Centre       It is recommended that you register
                                            provide a confidential, supportive space   with your nearest GP (doctor’s surgery).
                                            to discuss issues that might be impacting   The RVC arranges for local GPs to
          HEALTH &                          your student life. They can signpost you   come on site at both campuses to help
         WELLBEING                          for further support to our Mental Health   new students living locally or in RVC
                                                                                Halls during Welcome Week.
                                            Practitioner, accredited Counsellors or
          SUPPORT                           Mental Health Mentors. Togetherall is our
                                            24/7 support to help you manage stress,   STUDENTS’ UNION
                                            anxiety and depression.             SUPPORT
                                                                                The SU is run for our students by our
                                            DISABILITY, SPECIFIC                students. The SU has a dedicated Wellbeing
                                            LEARNING DIFFERENCES                Officer and team to support you, and offer a
                                            (SPLD), AND LONG-TERM               wide range of clubs, societies and activities.
                                            HEALTH CONDITIONS
                                            Guidance about support available for   CHAPLAINCY
                                            disabilities, learning difference and long-  Offering independent support and advice
                                            term health conditions via the government   to everyone who seeks it, regardless of
                                            funded Disabled Students Allowance   religious belief or none. Prayer and Quiet
                                            (DSA) for UK students and the RVC’s own   Rooms are available at both campuses.
                                            funding for International/EU students.
                                                                                    EXPERIENCE THE RVC        21
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