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68  RVC CPD 2022  Veterinary nursing                                                                         69

 CT and MRI for veterinary nurses online   Small animal medical nursing online  Let’s get physical – practical   Diagnostic imaging techniques online
          physiotherapy and rehabilitation online for         for nurses

 Monday 13th June    NEW  Monday 12th September   Monday 12th September   NEW  Monday 19th September
 to Sunday 24th July  to Sunday 23rd October  to Sunday 23rd October  to Sunday 30th October
 Would you like to learn more about CT and MRI, how they work and    Confused about medical disease processes? Wondering how the nursing   Are you aware of the benefits physiotherapy can have for patients   Do you want to know more about diagnostic imaging techniques for
 their applications in veterinary practice?  care you give impacts the disease state of your patient?  postoperatively and for conservative management of injuries? Do you   small animals and play a vital role in supporting a range of diagnostic
          want to understand the different types of rehabilitation techniques that    imaging procedures in your workplace?
 This course will cover CT and MRI and their applications in veterinary   This course will help improve your understanding of medical nursing    are available for your patients? Would you like to broaden the services
 practice, delving deeper into the physics of how these modalities work and   by looking at a range of conditions seen in clinical practice. The   you can offer to your clients?  This course is aimed at nurses wishing to extend their knowledge,
 how Registered Veterinary Nurses can utilise these in practice. Through   pathophysiology, nursing considerations and complications of a number    increase their role and responsibility in radiography and improve their
 the use of cases studies, videos and online discussions, RVNs will develop   of common medical conditions will be highlighted. Learn how patients   In this course, you will learn the basics of physiotherapy, the different   diagnostic imaging techniques.
 their knowledge and understanding of these machines, with a view to   suffering from a range of medical conditions are nursed in clinics    techniques that can be used and useful equipment that can assist you    Through the activities in the course, you will gain skills and knowledge
 assist with these procedures in practice, allowing them to play a vital role    all over the UK and beyond using discussion forums and the transfer    in practice. We will also discuss indications and contraindications    to apply critical appraisal of radiography procedures and promote
 in the diagnosis and treatment of patients.  of knowledge through the online course platform. Test your knowledge    of physiotherapy and hydrotherapy.   reflective and evidence-based practice.
 at the end of each week with self-assessment tasks and watch your
 Why do this course?  knowledge grow!  Why do this course?    Why do this course?
 Use of CT and MRI is becoming more widespread in veterinary practice   This course will provide you with a good knowledge of various   You will develop the skills to obtain and appraise high quality diagnostic
 and the veterinary nurses’ role in this area is slowly increasing, with some   Why do this course?  physiotherapy techniques and new ideas for achieving excellent   images using digital radiography and more advanced techniques such as
 RVNs moving towards specialising solely in imaging. Advanced imaging   This course will refresh your knowledge of key areas in common medical   rehabilitation skills for inpatients and outpatients.   fluoroscopy, as well as being able to offer effective support of other
 is not covered in detail in standard veterinary nursing training, leaving a   disease pathways as well as discuss how medical conditions are nursed   Key areas  complex imaging techniques, such as Computed Tomography (CT) and
 gap in the knowledge of RVNs who may then be working with these   to a high standard. It will help bridge the gap between “what we do” and   • How does physiotherapy help?  Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).
 machines. We aim to provide you with the knowledge and understanding   “why we do it”.  • What is physiotherapy? Indications/contraindications
 of how these machines work, the basis of their operation and how to   Key areas  • Basic anatomy and muscle functions  For a more in-depth look at CT and MRI for veterinary nurses, please take
 assess images in terms of diagnostic quality.                a look at CT and MRI for veterinary nurses online on page 68.
 Pathophysiology, nursing management and skills associated with:  • Physiotherapy techniques
 Key areas  • Canine blood disorders  • Useful equipment      Key areas
 • CT  • Adrenal disease  • Hydrotherapy                      • Radiation physics relating to the production of radiographs
 • MRI  • Pancreatitis and hepatic lipidosis  • What cases can physiotherapy be useful for?  • Legislation which govern the use of ionising radiation
 • Physics of CT and MRI  • Diabetes and diabetic ketoacidosis  • Making a plan – practical cases  • Radiation safety
 • Applications of CT and MRI  • Feline triaditis  Course details  • Radiographic artifacts
 • Patient positioning  • Infectious diseases  Course type: e-CPD   • Normal radiographic anatomy
 • Evaluation of images (NOT diagnosis!)                      • Overview of advanced diagnostic imaging techniques
 Previous participants have commented...  Course format: An intensive tutor-moderated online learning experience.
 Course details  “Gina was a very motivating tutor and very helpful with advice and   Resources include introductory course notes, case assessments,   • Routine and specialised techniques
                                                              • Care of patients undergoing diagnostic imaging procedures
 Course type: e-CPD   support for all of us.”  supplementary reading material and discussion forums with colleagues
 Course format: An intensive tutor-moderated online learning experience.   “I would definitely recommend this course in the future to my colleagues.”  and the tutors   Previous participants have commented...
 Resources include weekly online activities, case studies, supplementary   Course length: 6 weeks   “This was a very good course, especially to someone who is not so
 reading material and discussion forums with colleagues and the tutors   Course details  CPD hours: Up to 18   familiar with diagnostic imaging, the basic theory was great!”
 Course length: 6 weeks   Course type: e-CPD   Course fee: £349  “Detailed and thorough.”
 CPD hours: Up to 18   Course format: An intensive tutor-moderated online learning experience.   Tutors
 Course fee: £349  Resources include a combination of one-hour weekly reading tutorials,   Holly Smith DipAVN (Surgical) RVN Level 3 Hydrotherapy, Head Nurse   Course details
 electronic course notes, videos, self-assessment tasks, supplementary   Course type: e-CPD
 Tutors  reading material and shared discussion forums with colleagues and the   Neurology and Rehabilitation, RVC   Course format: An intensive tutor-moderated online learning experience.
 Lindsey Berriman BSc Radiography PGCertVetEd FHEA, Head   tutor, including case-based approaches   Helen Webb GradDipVN RVN Level 3 Hydrotherapy, Senior Nurse   Resources include weekly online activities, case studies, supplementary
 Radiographer, RVC   Course length: 6 weeks   Neurology and Rehabilitation, RVC  reading material and discussion forums with colleagues and the tutors
 Ashley Moors FdSc GradDipVN PGCertVetEd RVN FHEA, Veterinary   CPD hours: Up to 18   Course length: 6 weeks
 Radiographer, RVC
 Course fee: £349                                             CPD hours: Up to 18
                                                              Course fee: £349
 Gina Parkes DipAVN (Small animal) PGCertVetEd RVN FHEA,      Tutors
 Head Medicine Nurse, RVC                                     Lindsey Berriman BSc Radiography PGCertVetEd FHEA, Head
                                                              Radiographer, RVC
                                                              Ashley Moors FdSc GradDipVN PGCertVetEd RVN FHEA, Veterinary
                                                              Radiographer, RVC
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