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64                                                                                     RVC CPD 2022                     Veterinary nursing                                                                                  65

         Webinar Plus: Advanced nutrition for nurses         Anaesthesia and analgesia for                                       Exotic animal nursing online                        Webinar Plus: Nursing oncology patients
                                                             veterinary nurses online

         Monday 10th January                                 Monday 31st January                                                 Monday 7th February                                 Monday 7th February
         to Sunday 6th February                              to Sunday 13th March                                                to Sunday 20th March                                to Sunday 6th March
         Do you want to improve the care you can give your patients through   Do you need an anaesthesia refresher or are you looking to have a more   The demand for reptile and avian species veterinary care is on the   Would you like to diversify your knowledge of oncology nursing and
         providing optimal nutritional advice to your clients?  in-depth knowledge of anaesthesia and analgesia?                 increase – how confident are you nursing these unique animals?  use that understanding to improve the experience of your cancer patients
                                                                                                                                                                                     and clients?
         Clients frequently ask for advice regarding what to feed their pet,   This online course is aimed at qualified veterinary nurses who want to   The course will cover all aspects of nursing both reptile and avian species
         particularly when they develop an illness. With so many different veterinary   refresh their knowledge and investigate some of the recent advances in   in practice. It will be split into three weeks dedicated to reptiles and three   Treating animals diagnosed with cancer is becoming more common
         prescription diets available and so much information on the internet about   anaesthesia and analgesia. It could also be suitable for student veterinary   weeks dedicated to birds. It will take us back to basics as so often   within veterinary medicine as many owners now find chemotherapy,
         pet food, it is extremely challenging to differentiate helpful strategies from   nurses who have regular clinical anaesthesia exposure, who have   husbandry and handling of these animals plays a huge role in their care.   surgery and radiation acceptable treatments for their pets. Veterinary
         unsubstantiated claims. In addition, our understanding about the   completed the anaesthesia modules in their training programme and are   Often inappropriate husbandry and diet in these species leads to   nurses can be vital assets to the veterinary practice by administering
         nutritional requirements of companion animals continues to evolve.  now keen to develop this area of their clinical work. The course will   veterinary presentations, so understanding this will be a huge step in   chemotherapy treatments, providing informative guidance on safe practice
                                                             provide a theoretical and practical approach to the realities of anaesthesia   improving your nursing of them and a great way to improve their welfare.  and offering caring, compassionate support to the patient and family
         Why do this course?                                 and analgesia in practice with some added extras!                                                                       through their cancer journey.
         Nurses are closely involved with all aspects of pet nutrition in small animal                                           You will also learn about aspects of inpatient care and how to effectively
         practice ranging from providing nutritional advice to clients, running   Why do this course?                            house these animals in a ward. Triage of these species will be discussed   This course aims to help veterinary nurses develop a greater appreciation
         weight loss clinics and providing nutritional support to hospitalised   You will receive more in-depth information regarding anaesthesia   as well as critical care and anaesthesia which is often slightly different to   of the needs of cancer patients and those of the owners and caregivers
         patients. There are a plethora of products, information and claims made   equipment – how to devise patient specific plans for anaesthesia and   our usual canine and feline patients.  within the practice.
         about various diets that can be confusing to navigate and understand.   analgesia, what our monitors are telling us and what to do if something   Why do this course?       Why do this course?
         This online course will increase your knowledge and confidence about a   goes wrong!                                    This course will help any veterinary nurse or staff member who is likely    You will develop invaluable knowledge that will maximise your nursing
         range of nutritional topics.
                                                             Key areas                                                           to see avian or reptile species in practice. It will give you the tools to be   abilities, expand your skill-set and maximise support for clients of
         Key areas                                           • Anaesthetic equipment                                             able to give advice on husbandry and care of these animals to owners    your practice.
         • Understanding how diets can help animals with various problems  • Anaesthesia and analgesia related medications       and you will learn all the relevant care needed to deal with these animals    Key areas
         • Nutritional support for hospitalised patients – what can we do better?  • Pre anaesthetic assessment                  in general veterinary practice.                     • Understand causes and behaviour of neoplastic disease
         • Getting the most out of weight loss clinics       • Anaesthesia monitoring                                            Key areas                                           • How to diagnose cancer and extent of disease
         • The Raw Deal – raw foods, commercial foods and home-made diets  • Pain assessment                                     • Basic husbandry and handling of parrots and other birds  •  What treatment options are available in the UK and what we can
                                                             • Anaesthesia for specific conditions
         Previous participants have commented...                                                                                 • Basic husbandry and handling of reptile species    do in practice
         “Very informative and I like that most of it was then further backed up with   Previous participants have commented...  • Nursing and inpatient care of avian species       • Managing adverse events associated with disease and treatment
         studies and literature.”                            “It’s really improved my confidence and has led to positive changes in   • Nursing and inpatient care of reptile species  • Client support, quality of life assessment and palliative care
                                                             practice already!”                                                  • Triage, anaesthesia and critical care of avian species
         Course details                                                                                                          • Triage, anaesthesia and critical care of reptile species  Previous participants have commented...
         Course type: Webinar Plus                           Course details                                                                                                          “Really, really interesting course. Very knowledgeable tutor and I have
         Course format: A mixture of weekly webinars (which can be viewed    Course type: e-CPD                                  Previous participants have commented...             learned lots. The course will give me more confidence when dealing with
         live and/or as recorded versions throughout the course), quizzes to help   Course format: An intensive tutor-moderated online learning experience.   “I learnt something new every week and it has made me feel a lot more   patients receiving chemotherapy.”
         reinforce topics discussed, supplementary reading material and   Resources include online presentations, introductory electronic course   confident with regards to hospitalising patients.”  “The course was excellent.”
         discussion forums with colleagues and the tutors    notes, sharing clinical experiences through self-assessment tasks,   Course details
         Course length: 4 weeks                              supplementary reading material and discussion forums with colleagues   Course type: e-CPD                               Course details
         CPD hours: Up to 12                                 and the tutors                                                      Course format: An intensive tutor-moderated online learning experience.   Course type: Webinar Plus with a live weekly Q&A session
         Course fee: £299                                    Course length: 6 weeks                                              Resources include online presentations, electronic course notes, videos,   Course format: A mixture of pre-recorded weekly webinars (which
                                                             CPD hours: Up to 24                                                                                                     can be reviewed throughout the course), live weekly Q&A sessions
         Tutors                                              Course fee: £449                                                    supplementary reading material and discussion forums with colleagues   with the tutor, discussion forums to share experiences and opinions,
         Dan Chan DVM DipACVECC DipECVECC DipACVN FHEA MRCVS,                                                                    and the tutors                                      supplementary reading material and mini-tasks that include a short
         Professor of Emergency Critical Care Medicine and Clinical Nutrition, RVC   Tutors                                      Course length: 6 weeks                              assignment to review or improve literature within your own practice
         Aarti Kathrani BVetMed PhD DipACVIM DipACVN FHEA MRCVS,   Lisa Angell VTS (Anaesthesia/Analgesia) PGCertVetEd RVN,      CPD hours: Up to 18                                 Course length: 4 weeks
         Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Internal Medicine, RVC  Head Anaesthesia Nurse, RVC                                     Course fee: £349                                    CPD hours: Up to 12
                                                             Claire Sneddon RVN, Senior Anaesthesia Veterinary Nurse, RVC
                                                                                                                                 Tutors                                              Course fee: £299
                                                                                                                                 Kelly Deane FdSc RVN CertVNES, Exotics Veterinary Nurse, RVC   Tutor
                                                                                                                                 Abigail Edis FdSc RVN CertVNES, Exotics Veterinary Nurse, RVC
                                                                                                                                                                                     Nicola Read MSc (Vet. Nursing) PGCert (Onc. Nursing) PGCertVetEd
                                                                                                                                                                                     DipAVN (Med) AFHEA RVN, Head Oncology Nurse, RVC
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