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66  RVC CPD 2022  Veterinary nursing                                                                         67

 Webinar Plus: Vegan cats, brachy dogs and   Surgical skills and theatre practice   Don’t let it get on your nerves –   Small mammal nursing online
 fractious owners: Ethical problem-solving   for veterinary nurses online  nursing neurology patients online
 for veterinary nurses

 Monday 28th February   Monday 28th February   Monday 9th May to   Monday 6th June
 to Sunday 27th March  to Sunday 10th April  Sunday 19th June   to Sunday 17th July
 Have you faced ethical dilemmas in your practice? Do you want to learn   Are you up-to-date with current surgical nursing practices? Would you   Finding your feet with neurology nursing.  How comfortable are you with nursing a rabbit, rodent or other
 how to manage them in a structured and consistent way?  like to improve your surgical skills?  small mammal?
          This online course aims to provide nurses with the ability to expand their
 In this course, we will examine common ethical challenges in the   Nurses have a key role in preparing patients for surgery as well as    understanding, knowledge and skills when presented with patients with   This course will cover the general approach to nursing the small
 veterinary profession, such as reasons for euthanasia, diet fads,    caring for them in the post-operative period. This course will refresh    neurological disease. The course will cover how to nurse the recumbent   mammal patient, including species-specific biology, nutritional and
 breeding issues, staff treatment and many more. We will look at the   your knowledge on surgical nursing practices, from patient and theatre   patient, from presentation to rehabilitation, how to nurse the patient with   husbandry needs. Stabilisation, anaesthesia and some more advanced
 developing role of the veterinary nurse in responding to these challenges   preparation to postoperative care. It will also cover key surgical principles   brain disease –what’s “normal” and what’s not –and how to spot and    critical care techniques will also be discussed to develop a logical and
 and cover ethical frameworks which help to develop a systematic and   in the context of Schedule 3 nursing techniques. Emphasis will be placed   deal with common neurological complications.  comprehensive approach to the nursing care of these species.
 evidence-based approach. The course will include opportunities for   on the inter-professional practice of the veterinary team working toward    Why do this course?  Why do this course?
 discussion and peer learning.  a common goal. Topics will be fully discussed using forums for us all to   You will increase your confidence in nursing a neurological patient in your   You will build upon your current nursing skills to learn how to formulate
 learn from each other and to allow you to develop methods that can be
 Why do this course?  practically applied.  hospital, helping them achieve a better recovery through rehabilitation    a comprehensive nursing care plan for the commonly presented small
 Delegates will learn new ways of examining ethical issues, and how to   and receive top tips on nursing these challenging patients.  mammal species, based on their nutritional and environmental needs.
 develop responses that are consistent with the values of the profession   Why do this course?  Key areas  You will also gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of how to safely
 and the individuals concerned. In our challenging profession, feeling   This course is aimed at veterinary nurses keen to build on their existing   • Nursing considerations for brain patients  anaesthetise these species and how to approach the critical patient.
 confident that you have made the best possible decision is good for    surgical knowledge, giving you the confidence to develop your practical   • Nursing the spinal patient/neuromuscular patient  Key areas
 both our clients and our own wellbeing. This course can contribute    skills. In addition, you will be provided with a ‘Suture tutor kit’ containing    • Physiotherapy and hydrotherapy  • Rabbit basic nursing care and biology
 points to the RCVS Practice Standards Scheme ‘Professional   a fake skin pad, suture material and instruments to practice skin closure   • Bladder management  • Rabbit anaesthesia and advanced nursing
 Responsibility’ award.  using a variety of suture patterns.
          • Feeding requirements                              • Rodent basic nursing care and biology
 Key areas  Key areas  • Equipment – what’s essential and what’s “nice to have”  • Rodent anaesthesia and advanced nursing
 • Common veterinary ethical issues  • Theatre practice and the role of the surgical nurse  • Case studies  • Ferret nursing
 • Ethical theory and frameworks  • Preparation of the patient for surgery  Previous participants have commented...  • Exotic mammal nursing
 • The relationship of ethics to law and professional behaviour  • Wound management  “The course covered a wide range of neurological conditions, and    Previous participants have commented...
 • Developing policy and procedure  • Basic surgical skills and principles  the tutors were always available to answer questions provide further   “Interactions with tutors and peers made an excellent course filled
 • Ethical problem-solving  • Instrument identification and suture materials  information.”  with lots of information and knowledge to use in practice.”
 • Practical surgical skills including Schedule 3 procedures
 Previous participants have commented...  • Post-operative care of the surgical patient  Course details  Course details
 “Excellent course, good insight into ethical theories and how these are   • Patient care reports  Course type: e-CPD   Course type: e-CPD
 represented in the workplace setting.”  Course format: An intensive tutor-moderated online learning experience.   Course format: An intensive tutor-moderated online learning
 Previous participants have commented...
 Course details  “Webinars and quizzes were really thought provoking.”  Resources include introductory course notes, case assessments,   experience. Resources include online presentations, electronic course
 Course type: Webinar Plus   supplementary reading material and discussion forums with colleagues   notes, supplementary reading material, videos and discussion forums with
 Course format: A mixture of weekly webinars (which can be viewed    “The course helped me gain some practical surgical skills.”  and the tutors   colleagues and the tutors
 live and/or as recorded versions throughout the course), quizzes to    Course details  Course length: 6 weeks   Course length: 6 weeks
 help reinforce topics discussed, supplementary reading material and   Course type: e-CPD   CPD hours: Up to 18   CPD hours: Up to 18
 discussion forums with colleagues and the tutor   Course format: An intensive tutor-moderated online learning experience.   Course fee: £349  Course fee: £349
 Course length: 4 weeks   Resources include online presentations, introductory course notes,   Tutors  Tutors
 CPD hours: Up to 12   weekly online activities, supplementary reading material and discussion   Holly Smith DipAVN (Surgical) RVN Level 3 Hydrotherapy, Head    Kelly Deane FdSc RVN CertVNES, Exotics Veterinary Nurse, RVC
 Course fee: £299
 forums with colleagues and the tutors   Nurse Neurology and Rehabilitation, RVC   Abigail Edis FdSc RVN CertVNES, Exotics Veterinary Nurse, RVC
 Tutor  Course length: 6 weeks   Helen Webb GradDipVN RVN Level 3 Hydrotherapy, Senior Nurse
 Hamish Morrin MSc (International Animal Welfare, Ethics and Law)   CPD hours: Up to 18   Neurology and Rehabilitation, RVC
 FHEA RVN, Lecturer in Animal Science, Writtle University College   Course fee: £389
 Lyndsay Wade MRes BSc PGCertVetEd RVN FHEA, Assistant
 Lecturer in Veterinary Clinical Skills, RVC
 Alison Young DipAVN (Surgery) VTS (Surgery) RVN, Clinical
 Operations Manager, RVC
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