Page 71 - CPD 2022
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70 RVC CPD 2022 Veterinary nursing 71
Emergency and critical care nursing online Local anaesthetic techniques RECORDED RECORDED
Monday 26th September
to Sunday 6th November Friday 18th November
The phone rings and an emergency is on its way down to the clinic. Are you sure we can block that? How do you do it?! Available to purchase and view at any time Available to purchase and view at any time
Are you and the team prepared?
This is a practical onsite course that aims to teach participants how to Our recorded webinars available for nurses include: Our recorded e-CPD available for nurses include:
Many nurses find emergency work stressful and overwhelming, but it implement local anaesthesia techniques on a day- to-day basis in • Acute kidney injury – recognising acute from chronic • Difficult births, sick foals and other equine emergencies for nurses
can be exhilarating and rewarding with a good team and forward thinking. veterinary practice. The course is designed to cover information relevant • Critical care of the infectious in-patient Please see our website for further details
This course is aimed at qualified veterinary nurses who wish to expand for both vets and nurses. We encourage vets and nurses from the same • Canine cognitive dysfunction about our anytime CPD.
and further their knowledge of working with emergency and critical care practice to attend the course so that a coordinated approach to analgesia • Canine megaoesophagus
patients. The course will refresh your knowledge of specific key areas in their practice can be developed. Relevant legislation will be covered. • Canine renal disease
including preparation of the clinic and team, common emergency Why do this course? • Effective clinical coaching –how can we get the best from our
presentations and how to nurse the hospitalised critical patient. The key This course will be useful for those who want to start with the basic local coaches and students?
elements of each topic will be discussed so that you can take ideas anaesthesia techniques but also for those who want to improve/learn • Feline acromegaly
and tips away to implement in your clinic. • Feline hyperthyroidism
more advanced techniques.
Why do this course? Key areas • Managing CKD in cats
• Safe administration of chemotherapy – what should we be doing
You will increase your confidence in relation to the emergency patient Lectures to maintain safety?
journey. You will review how to set up an emergency service, how to • Clinical pharmacology of local anaesthetic drugs • Understanding rabbit and rodent dental disease for veterinary nurses
maximise what you already have in your practice, understand the nurse’s • Indications and practical techniques for local anaesthesia
role in emergency presentations and key issues relevant to nursing the For full library of recorded webinars and recorded Webinar Plus
critical patient. Practical sessions courses please visit our website
• Epidurals/spinal anaesthesia
Key areas • Head/dental blocks
• Introduction to the emergency team • Hindlimb and forelimb blocks
• Triage and patient assessment • Other useful local anaesthetic techniques
• Approach to the collapsed patient
• Approach to the respiratory patient Previous participants have commented...
• Approach to the trauma patient “Both lecturers were clear and had good knowledge and passionate
• Critical care nursing about the subject.”
Previous participants have commented... “Very clear and concise. Lots of help and advice. Learnt a lot.”
“I enjoyed and learnt something new every week and I think that’s “Excellent course throughout. Speakers amazing!”
ultimately down to the tutor’s knowledge and passion for ECC nursing.
I found her inspiring and very helpful.” Course details
Course type: Onsite
Course details Course format: Lectures, case-based discussions and practical sessions
Course type: e-CPD Course length: 1 day
Course format: An intensive tutor-moderated online learning CPD hours: 8
experience. Resources include a one-hour weekly reading tutorial, Course fee: Vet and nurse team: £998; Nurse only: £349; Vet only: £699
online presentations, electronic course notes, videos, self-assessment
tasks, supplementary reading and shared discussion forums including Tutors
case-based approaches Lisa Angell VTS (Anaesthesia/Analgesia) PGCertVetEd RVN, Head
Course length: 6 weeks Anaesthesia Nurse, RVC
CPD hours: Up to 18 Sandra Sanchis Mora DVM MVetMed PhD DipECVAA MRCVS, FHEA
Course fee: £349 MRCVS, Lecturer in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, RVC
Tutors Proudly supported by
Eleanor Haskey BSc VTS(ECC) VPAC A1 PGCertVetEd RVN
FHEA, Head ECC Nurse, RVC
Daina Rawlings BSc VNCertECC VTS(ECC) RVN, Senior ECC
Nurse, RVC