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60  RVC CPD 2022  Small mammal and exotic pets                                                               61

 Approach to birds and reptiles in   Webinar Plus: Backyard poultry   A practical approach to rabbit   Rabbits, rodents and ferrets
 general practice online  problems and solutions  and rodent surgery  – medicine and surgery

 Monday 17th January    Wednesday 27th April   UPDATED        Monday 3rd October
 to Sunday 27th February  to Tuesday 24th May  Tuesday 24th May  to Sunday 13th November
 Are you perplexed by parrots, troubled by tortoises or stumped by   Help, it’s a sick chicken! What advice can I give the owner? Is there    Would you like to improve your confidence when performing small   Do you frequently see rabbits and rodents in your practice but feel
 snakes? Would you like to feel more confident when an unusual species   any treatment?  mammal surgical procedures in first opinion practice.  ill-prepared to do so? Are you interested in these species and would
 appears on your consult list?                                like to enhance your knowledge about them?
 During this online course topics covered will include anatomy, husbandry,   This course of recorded webinars will be followed by an all-day practical
 Birds and reptiles have become popular pets in the UK. They are    history taking, positive signs of health, correct handling, diagnostic tests,   covering a variety of surgical conditions that can pose challenges for    Rabbits, ferrets and rodents are becoming increasingly popular pets in
 frequently presented for veterinary care, often as emergencies. This   drug administration, reproductive problems, common medical conditions   the small mammal surgeon. The focus of the practical day will be on   the UK and continuing advances in diagnosis and treatment of disease
 course aims to help clinicians build confidence in their approach to    including external and internal parasites, notifiable diseases, nutritional   procedures that are performed in general practice and will be on    means clients’ expectations continue to increase. This course aims to help
 the exotics case and to develop sound diagnostic and treatment plans   disorders, poisons and toxins, fracture repair, vaccination, emergency and   a variety of small mammal species. These will include dental and orofacial   clinicians develop a logical, problem solving approach to exotic small
 based on the most up-to-date evidence. The course is suitable for    critical care, anaesthesia and analgesia, euthanasia and both pedigree   procedures such as abscess resection, in addition to surgery of the   mammal cases, and develop sound treatment plans based on the most
 both experienced and new graduate vets.  and ownership identification. An introduction to the poultry industry will be   gastrointestinal, urinary and reproductive systems.   up-to-date evidence.
 discussed for completeness and how it impacts and supports the
 Why do this course?  backyard keeper.  Why do this course?   Why do this course?
 If you are seeing birds and reptiles on an occasional or regular basis    This course will be of interest to you if you see rabbits and other small   If you are seeing rabbits and small mammal patients on a regular basis
 and wish to build your confidence in approaching these cases. If you    Why do this course?  mammal patients on a regular basis and wish to update your knowledge   and wish to update your knowledge and apply best practice to provide
 want to update your knowledge and apply best practice to provide    You will gain greater confidence in advising about poultry welfare and   and improve your surgical skills.  optimal care to these species.
 optimal care for these species.  correct handling as well as enhance your poultry medicine and surgery   Key areas  Key areas
 skills. Species covered include chickens, pheasants, turkeys, domestic
 Key areas  waterfowl and ornamental waterfowl.  •  Update on current techniques in anaesthesia and analgesia, including  • Rabbit medicine and surgery – recent advances and clinical techniques
 •  Identification, husbandry requirements and handling of the most  intubation techniques  • Current techniques for anaesthesia and critical care of small mammals
 commonly presented species  Key areas  •  Common surgical conditions and how to deal with them  •  Update on options for reproductive control of ferrets and approach to
 •  Common presentations in birds and reptiles and how to approach  • Understanding reasons for, and resolving, welfare pitfalls  •  Approach to dental abscesses and extractions including dental  common endocrinopathies and neoplasia
 them, including case-based scenarios  • Welfare, husbandry and health  nerve blocks  • Common case presentations and how to deal with them
 • How to successfully anaesthetise a bird or reptile  • Normal attributes and relevant anatomy of poultry species  •  Flank ovariohysterectomy/ovariectomy in rats and guinea pigs,  • Approach to clinical care of unusual small mammal species
 • Surgical techniques, critical care and analgesia  • Diagnostics  abdominal castration of guinea pigs  Previous participants have commented...
 • Common diseases, treatment, prophylaxis and vaccines  • Liver lobe torsion surgery
 Previous participants have commented...  • Relevant medicines legislation including notifiable diseases  • Partial ear canal ablation and bulla osteotomy  “I now feel much more confident and feel like I can do a better job for
 “This is a great course for vets new to the field of exotics.”  my rabbit, ferret and rodent patients! Thank you!”
 • Emergency and critical care, euthanasia  • Nephrectomy, ureterostomy
 Course details  • Anaesthesia and analgesia  Previous participants have commented...  Course details
 Course type: e-CPD   • Surgery  “Very informative and good tips when asking about cases in general   Course type: e-CPD
 Course format: An intensive tutor-moderated online learning experience.   Previous participants have commented...  practice. Good to practice on a variety of species and sexes. Learnt new   Course format: An intensive tutor-moderated online learning experience.
 Resources include online presentations, electronic course notes, case   “Very knowledgeable tutor and great materials for referencing to in practice.”  techniques I will be trying.”   Resources include online presentations, electronic course notes, videos
 studies, videos and discussion forums with colleagues and the tutors   and discussion forums with colleagues and the tutors
 Course length: 6 weeks   “Has been very informative in an area which is not particularly well taught   Course details  Course length: 6 weeks
 CPD hours: Up to 42   at university.”   Course type: Recorded webinars and onsite   CPD hours: Up to 42
 Course fee: £725  Course format: Recorded lectures, case-based discussions and   Course fee: £725
 Course details
 Tutors  Course type: Webinar Plus   practical sessions       Tutors
          Course length: 1 day and 6 hours of recorded webinars
 Vicki Baldrey BVSc BSc DZooMed (Avian) MRCVS, Lecturer in    Course format: A mixture of weekly webinars (which can be viewed live   CPD hours: Up to 14   Vicki Baldrey BVSc BSc DZooMed (Avian) MRCVS, Lecturer in
 Exotic Species and Small Mammal Medicine and Surgery, RVC   and/or as recorded versions throughout the course), comprehensive notes,   Course fee: £849  Exotic Species and Small Mammal Medicine and Surgery, RVC
 Joanna Hedley BVM&S DZooMed (Reptilian) DipECZM (Herpetology)   case studies, quizzes and tutor-moderated online discussion forums   Joanna Hedley BVM&S DZooMed (Reptilian) DipECZM (Herpetology)
 MRCVS, Senior Lecturer in Exotic Species and Small Mammal Medicine   Course length: 4 weeks   Tutors  MRCVS, Senior Lecturer in Exotic Species and Small Mammal
 and Surgery, RVC  CPD hours: Up to 16   Vicki Baldrey BVSc BSc DZooMed (Avian) MRCVS, Lecturer in Exotic   Medicine and Surgery, RVC
 Course fee: £379  Species and Small Mammal Medicine and Surgery, RVC
          Joanna Hedley BVM&S DZooMed (Reptilian) DipECZM (Herpetology)
 Tutor    MRCVS, Senior Lecturer in Exotic Species and Small Mammal Medicine
 Victoria Roberts BVSc MRCVS, Backyard Poultry Vet, Vicvet
          and Surgery, RVC
          Proudly supported by
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