Page 37 - CPD 2022
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36 RVC CPD 2022 Small animal surgery and dentistry 37
Laparoscopic neutering and beyond Fixing fractures – basic internal and external Stifle surgery – the basics through to TTA
fixator training
Stage 1: Friday 29th April at the Royal Free Simulation Centre
Stage 2: Various dates in-between Monday 2nd May to Friday 8th July at the Royal Free Simulation Centre UPDATED UPDATED
Stage 3: Thursday 14th and Friday 15th July (lectures and on-site practical) at the RVC Tuesday 29th March Thursday 5th May
Are you interested in adding laparoscopy to the services you can offer Why do this course? Do you want to enhance your clinical practice by tackling some of the more Do you want to enhance your skills and surgically manage stifle problems
your patients? This course is designed to launch your “key hole” surgery journey. You will straightforward fractures, but are not confident about how to proceed? such as cruciate rupture and patellar luxation?
develop the psychomotor skills for laparoscopic surgery using a computer
Laparoscopy can be used in veterinary clinics to perform neutering, simulator training programme, proven to be “the most effective method This course of recorded webinars will be followed by an all-day practical This course of recorded webinars will be followed by an all-day practical
prophylactic gastropexy, abdominal organ biopsies and much more. to acquire and retain long-term surgical skills” (Dr Pasquale Berlingieri). giving you the opportunity to practise surgical techniques on synbones and giving you the opportunity to practise surgical techniques on synbones and
Laparoscopy has proven benefits compared to conventional open cadavers. The webinars will cover the theory, and provide the necessary cadavers. The webinars will cover the theory, and provide the necessary
surgery including: Key areas background for disease diagnosis and technical aspects required for the background for disease diagnosis and technical aspects required for the
• Development of the unique set of psychomotor skills required for practical day. The onsite practical part of the course will give you the practical day. The onsite practical part of the course will give you the
• Smaller surgical wounds laparoscopic surgery opportunity to put the theory into practice. opportunity to put the theory into practice and develop your surgical skills.
• Decreased pain • Practical hands-on experience of laparoscopic surgeries including
• Faster recovery to normal activities neutering, gastropexy, liver biopsy, bile aspirate, abdominal Why do this course? Why do this course?
• Improved outcomes The course would be of interest to any recent graduate looking to Whether you are a relative surgical novice or a more experienced
exploration and gastrointestinal biopsies.
Laparoscopy requires a unique psychomotor skill set including: video Previous participants have commented… develop their confidence in basic fracture repair, as well as veterinarians surgeon this course will help you become a more skilled and
knowledgeable surgeon.
wishing to refresh their knowledge and understanding of the principles
eye-hand coordination, instrument manipulation about a single entry “Informative, well organised course with great tutors, and very good of this fixation technique.
point into the abdomen and adaptation to a 2-D monitor display. Key areas
at solidifying and developing laparoscopic skills.”
A great way to achieve laparoscopic competency, is to practice in a “The structure and delivery of the course was exceptional. The course leaders Key areas • Surgical anatomy of the stifle joint
• Instrumentation and types of plates
• How to perform a lateral parapatellar arthrotomy of the stifle
controlled environment, outside the operating room, using computer were extremely knowledgeable and approachable, with a genuine interest • Understanding the principles of internal fixation • How to place an extra-capsular suture for stabilisation of the
simulators. This affords the opportunity for rapid and sustained skill in providing a well taught and practical course. The addition of the work at • Preoperative planning cranial cruciate ligament deficient stifle
acquisition in a safe, ethical and friendly environment. Such training the Royal Free Hospital was hugely beneficial, with the ability to continue • Management of the most common complications • How to perform meniscal inspection and resection
will maximise your chances of success and reduce risk to your patients practicing beyond the anticipated confines of the course being very useful.” • Types of external fixators and principles of their application • Corrective techniques to address patellar luxation
as you start out on your laparoscopic journey. • Practical experience repairing a range of fractures using plates • How to perform a medial parapatellar arthrotomy
“I think for any surgeon who wants to embark on laparoscopic surgery this
This is a 3-stage course. and screws and external fixators. • How to perform a tibial tuberosity advancement procedure (TTA)
is the course to attend. I don’t think you can find a comparative available
The first stage is a one-day onsite course*. We will discuss the purpose of course that comes close.” Previous participants have commented… Previous participants have commented…
laparoscopic surgery in veterinary medicine; the kit required for laparoscopic Course details “The best course I have ever done.” “Honest, practical, educational.”
surgery; and laparoscopic psychomotor skills training. You will be introduced Course type: Onsite Course details Course details
to state-of-the-art, virtual reality, high fidelity, laparoscopic computer Course format: Lectures/recorded and live webinars, virtual reality Course type: Recorded webinars and onsite Course type: Recorded webinars and onsite
simulators and also have the opportunity to practice using real laparoscopic laparoscopic simulator training and cadaver practical sessions Course format: Practical sessions using cadaver material and plastic Course format: Practical sessions using cadaver material and
instruments in training boxes.
Course length: 3 stage course: 1) 1 day introductory course*; bones, case-based discussions and 4 hours of recorded webinars plastic bones, case-based discussions and 4 hours of recorded webinars
The second stage is a laparoscopic psychomotor skills course, using 2) Psychomotor skill training at the Royal Free Hospital Medical to be viewed before the onsite course to be viewed before the onsite course
computer simulators. This is completed over a 60-day period at the Simulation Centre over a 60-day period and 3) 2 day course Course length: 1 day and 4 hours of webinar viewing Course length: 1 day and 4 hours of webinar viewing
Royal Free Hospital Medical Simulation Centre. This course includes: including 1 day of lectures* and 1 day of cadaver practicals CPD hours: Up to 12 CPD hours: Up to 12
an introductory session; 16 to 25 one-hour, self-directed, training CPD hours: 42 Relevant to CertAVP module: Small Animal Surgery (C-SAS.7) Relevant to CertAVP module: Small Animal Surgery (C-SAS.7)
sessions; 3 to 4 one-on-one formative assessments; and a final summative Course fee: £2,499 Course fee: £949 Course fee: £949
assessment. Introductory sessions and assessments are arranged by Tutors Tutors Tutors
appointment. Delegates are free to complete the training sessions at their Karla Lee MA VetMB PhD CertSAS DipECVS PGCAP FHEA MRCVS, Anna Frykfors von Hekkel BVetMed PGDipVCP MVetMed MRCVS, Richard Meeson MA VetMB PhD MVetMed PGCertVetEd DipECVS
own convenience: the simulation centre is open 24 hours a day, 7 days per Head of Soft Tissue Surgery, Veterinary Specialists Scotland Lecturer in Small Animal Surgery, RVC FHEA FRCVS, Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Orthopaedic Surgery, RVC
week. However, it is best not to do more than 2 training sessions in one Pasquale Berlingieri MD PhD MSc, Head of Screen-Based Simulation Richard Meeson MA VetMB PhD MVetMed PGCertVetEd DipECVS Rhiannon Strickland BVetMed MRCVS, Lecturer in Small Animal
day and assessments should not be performed after a training session Centre, Royal Free Hospital FHEA FRCVS, Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Orthopaedic Surgery, RVC Orthopaedics, RVC
on the same day.
Cristina Bianchi DVM MVetMed MRCVS, Staff Clinician in Veterinary
The third stage includes a one-day lecture series* in small animal Anaesthesia and Analgesia, RVC Proudly supported by Proudly supported by
laparoscopic surgery, complemented by one-day of on-site cadaver Matteo Rossanese DVM SPSA MSc DipECVS CertAVP MRCVS,
practicals at the RVC. Lecturer in Small Animal Surgery, RVC
Stage 2 is fundamental to this course, so please consider your Proudly supported by
access to the Royal Free Hospital and commitment to laparoscopic
surgery before signing up. All prospective applicants should contact
Karla Lee ( In order to access the Royal Free Hospital
all delegates will need to provide a CV and 2 references. *These sessions may be moved to online