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32 RVC CPD 2022 Emergency care and anaesthesia 33
Emergency patient online Local anaesthetic techniques RECORDED
Monday 12th September
to Sunday 23rd October Friday 18th November
Emergencies are common in all practices, not just after hours! Are you sure we can block that? How do you do it?! Available to purchase and view at any time Recorded Webinar Plus:
• Recorded Webinar Plus: Fundamentals of emergency medicine: Part 1
Emergency cases can be some of the most fun and rewarding patients This is a practical onsite course that aims to teach participants how to Our recorded webinars available include: • Recorded Webinar Plus: Fundamentals of emergency medicine: Part 2
seen in veterinary practice. However, they can also be some of the more implement local anaesthesia techniques on a day-to-day basis in veterinary • Avian anaesthesia
challenging and stressful patients to treat. practice. The course is designed to cover information relevant for both • Critical care of the infectious in-patient For full library of recorded webinars and recorded Webinar Plus
vets and nurses. We encourage vets and nurses from the same practice • Emergency radiography of the dog and cat
Why do this course? to attend the course so that a coordinated approach to analgesia in their • Point of care ultrasonography (POCUS) in emergency and critical care courses please visit our website
You will learn diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to common practice can be developed. Relevant legislation will be covered. • The approach and stabilisation of the dyspnoeic patient
emergency and trauma cases to increase your confidence and reduce
your stress levels. Why do this course?
This course will be useful for those who want to start with the basic local
Key areas anaesthesia techniques but also for those who want to improve/learn more
• The “shocked” patient advanced techniques.
• The approach to and stabilisation of the trauma patient
• The dyspnoeic emergency – assessment and stabilisation Key areas
• A rational approach to fluid therapy in the emergency patient Lectures
• The acute kidney injury patient • Clinical pharmacology of local anaesthetic drugs
• The “acute” abdomen • Indications and practical techniques for local anaesthesia
• Using point of care ultrasound (POCUS) in emergency patients Practical sessions
• Bleeding emergencies and transfusion therapy • Epidurals/spinal anaesthesia
• Nutritional support of hospitalised patients • Head/dental blocks
• Sepsis and new advances in management of critically ill patients
• Hindlimb and forelimb blocks
Previous participants have commented… • Other useful local anaesthetic techniques
“Very useful and structured material and input from tutors.”
Previous participants have commented…
Course details “Very clear and concise. Lots of help and advice. Learnt a lot.”
Course type: e-CPD “Excellent course throughout. Speakers amazing!”
Course format: An intensive tutor-moderated learning experience.
Resources include online presentations, electronic course notes, videos, Course details
case assessments, self-assessment quizzes and discussion forums in which Course type: Onsite
participants review and discuss cases with their colleagues and the tutor Course format: Lectures, case-based discussions and practical sessions
Course length: 6 weeks Course length: 1 day
CPD hours: Up to 42 CPD hours: 8
Relevant to CertAVP modules: Emergency and Critical Care Relevant to CertAVP module: Small Animal Anaesthesia and Analgesia
(C-ECC.1, 2 and 3), Critical Care and Analgesia (C-VA.3) (C-VA.1)
Course fee: £725 Course fee: Vet and nurse team: £998; Vet only: £699; Nurse only: £349
Tutors Tutors
Dominic Barfield BSc BVSc MVetMed DipACVECC DipECVECC FHEA Lisa Angell VTS (Anaesthesia/Analgesia) PGCertVetEd RVN, Head
MRCVS, Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, RVC Anaesthesia Nurse, RVC
Professor of Emergency Critical Care Medicine and Clinical Nutrition, RVC FHEA MRCVS, Lecturer in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, RVC
Karen Humm MA VetMB MSc CertVA DipACVECC DipECVECC FHEA Proudly supported by
MRCVS, Associate Professor in Transfusion Medicine and ECC, RVC