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40                                                                                     RVC CPD 2022                     Small animal surgery and dentistry                                                                  41

         Webinar Plus: Soft tissue surgical principles       Canine dentistry                                                    Feline dentistry                                    Arthroscopy of the elbow and shoulder
                                                             Day 1: The foundations
                                                             Day 2: Surgical extractions and case discussions

         Monday 26th September                               Tuesday 11th October                                                Thursday 13th October
         to Sunday 23rd October                              and Wednesday 12th October                                          and Friday 14th October                             Thursday 24th November
         Would you like to improve your surgical skills and improve your confidence   Would you like to improve the quality of the dental care you can offer    Are you dreading feline extraction cases? Unsure how to get good dental   Do you want to improve the options you can offer your patients with
         in the operating theatre?                           your patients?                                                      radiographs in cats and how to interpret them?      orthopaedic disease? Do you want to take your orthopaedic practice
                                                                                                                                                                                     to the next level?
         During this online course, participants will review surgical principles and   This two-day course includes a strong practical component with canine   This course aims to equip you with all you need to know to complete
         step-by-step guides to performing surgeries commonly encountered in    and fox cadavers. The lectures, while covering both feline and canine   your next feline dental consultation and procedure with confidence. It will   Arthroscopy is an essential skill to provide comprehensive management
         first opinion practice. Techniques to improve surgical skills and optimise    aspects, will concentrate mostly on canine dentistry. The course fee   provide you with a solid foundation of theory, rounded off with a practical   of elbow and shoulder disease for your patients. This one-day course,
         the outcome for your patients will be discussed.    includes a set of IM3 dental instruments to use during the practical and   session on cadavers and a session on radiographic interpretation.  pitched at an intermediate to advanced level, is for veterinary surgeons who
                                                             take home at the end of the course.                                                                                     want to develop skills in diagnostic and surgical arthroscopy in small animals.
         Why do this course?                                                                                                     The course fee includes a set of IM3 dental instruments to use during   The focus of the course will be the elbow joint and the shoulder joint.
         The course will provide you with a solid foundation to review, consolidate   Why do this course?                        the practical and take home at the end of the course.
         and update your knowledge of surgical principles and commonly   Fine-tune your dental skills, and at the same time become more   Why do this course?                        The day will consist of practical teaching with short introductions/
         performed techniques, including neutering, exploratory laparotomy and   knowledgeable and confident addressing your dental cases.  Feline dentistry forms a big part of small animal practice. This course    discussions. The morning will be devoted to arthroscopy of the elbow and
         commonly performed abdominal surgeries.                                                                                                                                     the afternoon to arthroscopy of the shoulder.
                                                             Key areas                                                           will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to deal with feline
         Key areas                                           • The foundations of oral diagnosis                                 dental presentations.                               Why do this course?
         •  Putting your best foot forward – how to prepare for surgery and tips  • Do’s and don’ts of scaling and polishing     Key areas                                           You will learn a practical structured approach on how to treat medial
          for neutering                                      • How to take good dental radiographs                                                                                   coronoid disease, receive practical tips about elbow and shoulder
         • Maximising your exploratory laparotomy – avoid the “peak and shriek!”  • How to perform closed extractions confidently and with control  • Anatomy of feline dentition    arthroscopy and feel more confident about the diagnosis and
                                                                                                                                 • Radiographic technique and interpretation
         •  Principles of gastrointestinal surgery and management of intestinal  • Regional nerve blocks and analgesia for dental patients  • Special considerations for the anaesthesia of the feline dental patient  management of common elbow and shoulder conditions.
          foreign bodies                                     •  The use of muco-periosteal flaps for the surgical extraction
         • Help, it’s my first GDV case – what do I do?       of mandibular, maxillary and carnassial teeth                      • Periodontal disease                               Key areas
                                                                                                                                 • Tooth resorption
                                                                                                                                                                                     • Topographic and functional anatomy of elbow and shoulder
                                                             • Root remnant removal
         Previous participants have commented…               • Radiographic interpretation and case discussions covering:        • Feline chronic gingivostomatitis and its differentials  •  n-depth discussion of common conditions affecting the elbow and
         “Each week was very helpful in teaching different aspects of surgery.”   • Periodontal disease – when to extract?       • Feline oral mass lesions                           shoulder joints
         “Extremely useful, I gained confidence in surgical techniques!”                                                         • Special considerations when extracting feline teeth  •  Principles of arthroscopy and what general arthroscopic equipment is
                                                              • Fractured teeth – when to treat?
                                                                                                                                                                                      required to start
         Course details                                      • Treating teeth affected by resorption                             • What type of conditions can be referred?          • Elbow and shoulder arthroscopy wet lab
         Course type: Webinar Plus                           Previous participants have commented…                               Previous participants have commented…
         Course format: A mixture of weekly webinars (which can be viewed    “Very clinically relevant; knowledge gained will be applied frequently.”  “I feel much more confident in my approach to feline dentistry!”  Previous participants have commented…
         live and/or as recorded versions throughout the course), videos,                                                        Course details                                      “The tutors are very knowledgeable and approachable. Excellent teaching.”
         self-assessment, quizzes, case studies, and tutor-moderated online   “Great mix of practical and theory. The course has helped build my   Course type: Onsite               Course details
         discussion forums                                   confidence again (as well as realising all of my mistakes)!”        Course format: Lectures, case-based discussions and practical sessions   Course type: Onsite
         Course length: 4 weeks                              Course details                                                      Course length: 2 days                               Course format: Lectures, case-based discussions and practical sessions
         CPD hours: Up to 16                                 Course type: Onsite                                                 CPD hours: 16                                       Course length: 1 day
         Relevant to CertAVP modules: Surgery case report for Small Animal   Course format: Lectures, case-based discussions and practical sessions   Course fee: £1,099             CPD hours: 8
         Practice (B-SAP.1), Small Animal Surgery (C-SAS.3)   Course length: 2 days                                                                                                  Relevant to CertAVP module: Small Animal Surgery (C-SAS.7)
         Course fee: £379                                                                                                        Tutors
                                                             CPD hours: 16                                                                                                           Course fee: £699
         Tutors                                              Course fee: £1,099                                                  Simone Kirby DipEVDC FHEA MRCVS Tieraerztin, RCVS Recognised   Tutors
                                                                                                                                 Specialist and EBVS  European Specialist in Veterinary Dentistry,
         Nicola Kulendra BVetMed MVetMed CertVDI PGCertVetEd DipECVS   Tutors                                                    Veterinary Dental and Oral Surgery Referrals, The Ralph Veterinary Referral   Rebekah Knight BVetMed PgC(SAS) PGDip(VCP) AFHEA MRCVS,
         FHEA FRCVS, Consultant Surgeon, North Downs Specialist Referrals   Simone Kirby DipEVDC FHEA MRCVS Tieraerztin, RCVS Recognised   Centre, Marlow                            Staff Clinician in Small Animal Orthopaedic Surgery, RVC
         Vicky Lipscomb MA VetMB CertSAS DipECVS FHEA MRCVS,   Specialist and EBVS  European Specialist in Veterinary Dentistry,   Rachel Perry BSc BVM&S MANZCVS (Small Animal Dentistry and    Matthew Pead BVetMed PhD CertSAO FHEA MRCVS, Senior Lecturer
         Professor of Soft Tissue Surgery, RVC
                                                             Veterinary Dental and Oral Surgery Referrals, The Ralph Veterinary    Oral Surgery) DipEVDC PGCertVetEd FHEA MRCVS, RCVS Recognised   in Small Animal Orthopaedics, RVC
                                                             Referral Centre, Marlow                                             Specialist and EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary Dentistry,   Proudly supported by
                                                             Rachel Perry BSc BVM&S MANZCVS (Small Animal Dentistry and          Honorary Lecturer in Dentistry, RVC, Director, Perry Referrals
                                                             Oral Surgery) DipEVDC PGCertVetEd FHEA MRCVS, RCVS Recognised       Proudly supported by
                                                             Specialist and EBVS  European Specialist in Veterinary Dentistry,
                                                             Honorary Lecturer in Dentistry, RVC, Director, Perry Referrals
                                                             Proudly supported by
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