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38  RVC CPD 2022  Small animal surgery and dentistry                                                         39

 Abdominal surgery – the essentials  Webinar: How to teach neutering  Breathe easy – managing the BOAS patient  Surgical procedures of the head and neck

 Thursday 12th May   NEW                                      Wednesday 7th September
 or Friday 13th May  Friday 27th May  Wednesday 6th July      and Thursday 8th September
 Does your heart sink when you see there is a large dog neuter on the   Many vets will be keen to teach surgical skills but are unsure where to   Would you like to enhance your skills in managing high risk brachycephalic   Do you find surgical procedures of the head and neck a challenge?
 surgery list? Do you hesitate to do an exploratory laparotomy even though    start. Will my neutering technique be ok, what if something goes wrong   dogs with upper airway obstruction?  Create some surgical “head space” with this practical CPD course.
 in your heart you know it is the next best diagnostic step? Would you like    with the surgery? How much will the students/new grads expect to do?   Brachycephalic dogs are increasingly popular pets and can be extremely   Head and neck surgery can be challenging as the patients can be in
 to feel more confident dealing with your next acute abdomen?
 The RVC’s Shelter Medicine Team are experienced neuter surgeons and   challenging to manage in the hospital environment. They are high-risk   respiratory distress (e.g. laryngeal paralysis) or in great pain (e.g. chronic
 The aim of this course is to improve the confidence of those veterinarians   spend most days carrying out neuters and teaching final year vet students   patients and require special techniques to care for them. This is a multi-  ear disease). We will review the complex anatomy of the head and
 who sometimes (or always) feel out of their depth when performing routine   at the same time. Join us to see how we teach neuter surgeries and get the   disciplinary lecture and practical course and includes lectures from   neck and discuss common conditions such as ventral neck exploratory
 abdominal surgical procedures in small animal practice. The course lectures   latest top tips for a safe and speedy surgery to maximise the experience    specialists in emergency and critical care, anaesthesia, and surgery.    surgery for traumatic neck injuries such as stick impalement.
 will be delivered as recorded webinars (to be watched in your own time   for yourself and your student/new grad while ensuring the pet is safe.   We will discuss tips and tricks for managing these patients smoothly    Why do this course?
 before the practical day) followed by a practical day which will allow you to   Why do this course?  and enable you to be in the best possible position to reduce the risks    If you have some surgical experience, this course will give you more
 perform fundamental procedures required for abdominal surgery ranging   If you want to learn good techniques and tips to improve safety and    for them and alleviate their owners’ fears and stress.   confidence to start operating on the head and neck. If you are a more
 from entering the abdomen safely, tying secure ligatures, isolating organs   speed while teaching/supervising students and new grads neutering.   The course will also have a cadaver practical allowing delegates to review   experienced practitioner it will allow you to refine and develop your
 within the abdomen and developing a systematic approach to exploration    and practice surgical techniques such as wedge resection rhinoplasty,   surgical techniques and you will receive valuable tips from our
 of the abdominal cavity.  Key areas  partial staphylectomy, folded flap palatoplasty and temporary   specialist surgical team.
 •  How to teach basic surgical skills and adapting your style to
 Why do this course?  accommodate students with different learning styles and differences  tracheostomy tube placement. In addition, we will discuss post-operative   Key areas
 You will learn how to perform exploratory laparotomy and a range of   •  How to teach the perfect cat spay – landmarks, tips and tricks to  recovery and how best to manage these patients when hospitalised.  •  The larynx – laryngeal paralysis – arytenoid laterlisation biopsy procedures
 abdominal procedures with confidence and gain insight into the clinical   pass onto your students. Common downfalls for beginners  Why do this course?  •  The trachea – temporary tracheostomy placement, tracheal prosthesis
 decision making that can optimise patient care.
 •  How to teach the perfect cat castrate – forceps style  This course is ideal if you would like to enhance the care you and your    and stents
 Key areas  •  How to teach the perfect dog castrate – open or closed?  team can offer these challenging cases.  •  Ventral neck – exploration for stick injuries, foreign bodies, abscesses,
 • It all looks normal, what now? Maximising an exploratory laparotomy  •  How to teach the perfect bitch spay without scaring your student  Key areas  thyroidectomy
 • Is it surgical? Diagnostic imaging for surgeons  and yourself  •  Brachycephalic obstructive breathing syndrome (BOAS) – medical,  •  Sinonasal aspergillosus – frontal sinus trephination, placement of
 • The foreign body sweep stake – surgery of the intestinal tract  Course details  anaesthetic and surgical management  nasal catheters
 • The dreaded Saturday night on call alone with a GDV!  Course type: Webinar   • Brachycephalic airway surgery –staphylectomy, rhinoplasty  •  Ear – lateral approach to the ear canal, total ear canal ablation and lateral
 • Oh no, it’s a big fat bitch spay – ovariectomy, OHE and C-section  Course format: Live webinar with an opportunity for Q&A with    bulla osteotomy, ventral bulla osteotomy
 •  Help, all I can see is blood! Haemoabdomen, splenectomy and liver surgery  Previous participants have commented…  • Nose – rhinoplasty, lateral nasal resection
 the lecturer plus access to recorded version for 2 weeks
 Previous participants have commented…  Course length: 2 hours   “Good opportunity to practice several techniques. Lynda was very   Previous participants have commented…
          approachable and easy to ask questions to.”
 “I’ve lost a lot of confidence with surgery recently but this course has   CPD hours: 2   “Brilliant informative lecturers and handouts. Excellent practical
 taught me so much and given me lots of confidence back. I’m actually   Course fee: £50*  Course details  experience and guidance.”
 looking forward to my next surgery now! Best CPD I’ve been on.”  Course type: Onsite
 *Recorded version will be available to purchase for £30 approximately  Course details
 Course details  two weeks after the live course date.  Course format: Lectures and practical sessions   Course type: Onsite
          Course length: 1 day
 Course type: Recorded webinars and onsite   Tutors  CPD hours: 8   Course format: Lectures, case-based discussions and practical sessions
 Course format: Online lectures, case-based discussions and    Louise Allum BSC MA VetMB PGCertVetEd Grad Cert Shelter    Relevant to CertAVP module: Small Animal Surgery (C-SAS.2)   Course length: 2 days
 practical sessions   Med FHEA MRCVS, Head Vet Shelter Medicine Programme, RVC   Course fee: £749  CPD hours: 16
 Course length: 7 hours of online lectures to view at your leisure before    Bree Merritt BSc BVMS PGDipCABC FHEA MRCVS, Lead Vet at   Relevant to CertAVP module: Small Animal Surgery (C-SAS.2)
 a 1 day practical course on either of the above days   Wood Green, the Animals Charity for Shelter Medicine Programme, RVC  Tutors  Course fee: £999
 CPD hours: Up to 16   Stefano Cortellini DVM MVetMed DipACVECC DipECVECC, FHEA   Tutors
 Relevant to CertAVP module: Small Animal Surgery (C-SAS.3)   MRCVS, Senior Lecturer in Emergency and Critical Care, RVC    Anna Frykfors von Hekkel BVetMed PGDipVCP MVetMed MRCVS,
 Course fee: £949  Carolina Palacios Jimenez DVM CertVA PGCertVetEd PhD DipECVAA   Lecturer in Small Animal Surgery, RVC
          MRCVS, Lecturer in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, RVC
 Tutors   Lynda Rutherford BVM&S MVetMed DipECVS PGCertVetEd FHEA   Lynda Rutherford BVM&S MVetMed DipECVS PGCertVetEd FHEA
 Anna Frykfors von Hekkel BVetMed PGDipVCP MVetMed MRCVS,   MRCVS, Lecturer in Small Animal Surgery, RVC  MRCVS, Lecturer in Small Animal Surgery, RVC
 Lecturer in Small Animal Surgery, RVC                        Proudly supported by
 Karla Lee MA VetMB PhD CertSAS DipECVS PGCAP FHEA MRCVS,   Proudly supported by
 Head of Soft Tissue Surgery, Veterinary Specialists Scotland
 Proudly supported by
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