Page 7 - ACT Annual Review 2023-2024
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                                                                                                                WHAT WE DO

                                    2023/24 THE ACT                                                                           he ACT exists to advance and

                                                                                                                              improve animal health and
                                    YEAR IN NUMBERS                                                                 Tour support of the RVC’s
                                                                                                                              care. We achieve this through

                                                                                                                    wide range of clinical, research and
                                                          SUPPORTING                                                educational activities.
                                                          CLINICAL CARE
                                                          £267,000                                                  We raise funds to provide vital equipment

                                                                                                                    and enhance facilities at RVC hospitals to
                                                                                                                    deliver world-class clinical care. We also
                                                          SUPPORTING                                                support the clinicians and scientists of
                                                          EDUCATION OF VETERINARY                                   the future by enhancing their education

                                                          PROFESSIONALS                                             and providing scholarships and hardship
                                                          £248,000                                                  funds. In addition, we fund pioneering
                                                                                                                    research in animal and human health and
                                                                                                                    assist research projects carried out by
                                                          SUPPORTING                                                undergraduate and postgraduate students.
                                                          RESEARCH INTO ANIMAL
                                                          HEALTH AND CARE

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