Page 10 - ACT Annual Review 2023-2024
P. 10


                                                                         he ACT are proud to support              Sarcoids are locally invasive skin tumours called
                                                                         equine welfare and teaching at           fibrosarcoma. They are persistent and progressive skin
                                                                         the RVC. The RVC Equine Referral         lumps that occur mainly around the equine head, in the
                                                                                                                  axilla (where the front leg attaches to the chest) and the
                                                                 THospital is rapidly gaining a                   groin area, as well as developing in wounds. Sarcoids
                                                                 reputation as one of the leading centres         are caused by bovine papilloma virus (BPV) which
                                                                 in the country for the treatment of skin         becomes incorporated into the DNA of infected skin cells
                                                                 tumours. With the addition of the Tumour         and causes transformation of those cells into tumour
                                                                 Specific Electroporation (TSE) machine,          cells. This is not unique to equines: papilloma viruses do
                                                                 funded by the ACT, they are now able to          this in other species, notably in humans where papilloma
                                                                 offer a novel treatment for large tumours        viruses cause cervical cancer in women.
                                                                 and sarcoids that cannot be safely               These tumours are very common with 6-7% of horses
                                                                 removed surgically. The ACT has also             affected by sarcoids, and up to 80% of grey horses over
                                                                 recently funded realistic equine models          the age of 15 affected by melanomas. Whilst some can
                                                                                                                  be removed surgically, many cannot be removed safely
                                                                 that are used in student’s animal handling       without risking damage to other parts of the horse.
                                                                 classes. The models allow students               Thanks to a donation from the Alice Noakes Memorial
                                                                 adequate time to practise their handling         Charitable Trust the ACT purchased a TSE device for
                                                                 skills and important equine husbandry            the RVC Equine Referral Hospital to deliver pioneering
                                                                 before handling live horses, creating a          treatment for equine tumours.
                       I am genuinely very                       positive experience for both the students        The treatment consists of a chemotherapy drug being
                                                                 and the horses.
                                                                                                                  injected into the tumour and the TSE devices then
                 excited by this technology                                                                       delivers a calculated electric current to the site. This
                 as we feel it is a major                        Albert (pictured left) was referred to the RVC Equine   increases the uptake of the drug into the cancer cells by
                 breakthrough in how we                          Referral Hospital due to a fibroblastic sarcoid on his front   over one thousand times. The electric pulses open up
                 can treat skin tumours                          leg near his fetlock joint. Treatment options were limited   small pores in the tumour cells, allowing the drug direct
                                                                                                                  access to the DNA of the targeted cells, and in turn
                                                                 due to its location, to avoid damaging the joint the sarcoid
                 in equines.                                     was removed with a small surgical margin between   killing the tumour cells.

                 – Dr Mike Hewetson, Associate Professor         the cancerous and normal cells. TSE treatment was
                 in Equine Internal Medicine                     successfully used to destroy the remaining cancer cells.

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