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30  RVC CPD 2022  Emergency care and anaesthesia                                                             31

 Webinar Plus: ECC skills – the next steps  Webinar Plus: Pain management in   Webinar Plus: Problem-solving in small
          small animals                                       animal anaesthesia

 Wednesday 23rd February   Monday 14th March       UPDATED    Monday 13th June
 to Tuesday 5th April  to Sunday 10th April                   to Sunday 10th July
 Do you find most ECC CPD a bit basic? Are you looking for more   Course details  Many of the patients you see every day in practice will be in pain. Are you   Does your heart sink when you have to anaesthetise a sick patient for
 advanced updates in this exciting field?   Course type: Webinar Plus   doing the best for them? Would you like to improve your ability to assess   a procedure? Would you like to improve your anaesthetic management
 Course format: A mixture of weekly webinars (which can be viewed    and treat pain?  for both routine and sick cases?
 If you have an interest in ECC but feel that much of the ECC CPD you   live and/or as recorded versions throughout the course), self-assessment
 attend provides you with little new information, this course is for you.   This Webinar Plus course aims to equip participants with a thorough   The aim of this course is to provide practical day-to-day advice for
 exercises, supplementary reading material and tutor-moderated online
 The RVC’s ECC team, the biggest ECC team in Europe, have combined   discussion forums    knowledge of small animal pain, its deleterious effects on patients and   managing common anaesthesia scenarios in practice. Delegates
          approaches to its assessment. The course will then explore the treatment
                                                              enrolled on this course will have the opportunity to reinforce their skills
 their knowledge to offer you an opportunity to learn about specific    Course length: 6 weeks    options available for both practice and home use together with their   in anaesthesia, developing a logical approach to the peri-anaesthetic
 ECC topics in greater depth. Each topic has been chosen as it is a   CPD hours: Up to 24    advantages and disadvantages. Real case examples will be used to   period, with the focus on designing an individualised anaesthetic plan,
 particular interest for the specialist and in an area that is relevant to both   Relevant to CertAVP modules: Emergency and Critical Care   reinforce the practical nature of pain medicine.  problem solving and approaching anaesthesia in the sick patient.
 emergency and general practice. You will be given a stimulating lecture,   (C-ECC.1, 2 and 3), Anaesthesia (C-VA.1 and 3), Small Animal
 literature to read, a quiz to check you have understood and retained the   Medicine (C-SAM.9)   Why do this course?  Why do this course?
 information and, perhaps most valuable of all, the opportunity to ask   Course fee: Webinar Plus: £525; Webinars only: £50 per webinar    You will learn recent advances in pain assessment and treatment that    You will learn recent advances in anaesthesia that you can start to use
 questions and interact with the specialists and other colleagues. The   or £275 for 6   you can start to use in your practice the following day – improving   in practice the next day – improving your anaesthesia in practice before
 course is aimed at vets who either have attained Advanced Practitioner   Tutors  analgesia options in your practice before the course has finished!   the course has finished!
 status in ECC, anaesthesia or internal medicine, who are studying for    Dominic Barfield BSc BVSc MVetMed DipACVECC DipECVECC   Key areas  Key areas
 the CertAVP ECC C modules or those working predominantly in   FHEA MRCVS, Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Emergency and Critical   • Pain physiology and pain assessment  • Designing an anaesthetic plan for individualised patient care
 emergency and/or critical care practice.
 Care, RVC    •  Opioids, other drugs to use when these don’t work – including  • Monitoring and supportive care in the peri-anaesthetic period
 Why do this course?  Dan Chan DVM DipACVECC DipECVECC DipACVN FHEA MRCVS,   ketamine, tramadol, gabapentin and new therapies to treat pain  • Anaesthesia of the routine patient
 This course will be stimulating and relevant to first opinion practitioners   Professor of Emergency Critical Care Medicine and Clinical Nutrition, RVC    • Local anaesthetic drugs and techniques  • Developing a logical approach to anaesthetic problem-solving
 who love ECC and want to improve their practice. You will hear about    Stefano Cortellini DVM MVetMed DipACVECC DipECVECC MRCVS,   • NSAIDs  • Anaesthetising the unwell patient
 new and interesting veterinary techniques and literature, how to apply    Lecturer in Emergency and Critical Care, RVC    Previous participants have commented…  •  How to incorporate patient safety into practice
 this knowledge to your practice and you will also be able to ask any   Tom Greensmith BVetMed MVetMed DipACVECC MRCVS, Lecturer    “I can now tell that I have better understanding of pain management    Previous participants have commented…
 questions you have to experts in the ECC field.   in Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care, RVC    and I feel more confident.”  “Great learning content from the tutors and interactive components
 Key areas  MRCVS, Associate Professor in Transfusion Medicine and ECC, RVC   “I learnt a lot and have a lot of changes to take into practice, a really   which aided learning.”
 • Transfusion medicine  Erica Tinson BSc BVSc MVS MVSc DipACVECC MRCVS, Lecturer    worthwhile course.”  Course details
 • CPR  in Emergency and Critical Care, RVC                   Course type: Webinar Plus with a live weekly Q&A session
 • Acute kidney injury  Course details                        Course format: A mixture of pre-recorded weekly webinars (which can be
 • Sepsis  Course type: Webinar Plus with a live weekly Q&A session   reviewed throughout the course), live weekly Q&A sessions with the tutors,
 • Blood gas analysis  Course format: A mixture of pre-recorded weekly webinars (which    self-assessment quizzes, case discussions, supplementary reading material
 • Nutrition  can be reviewed throughout the course), live weekly Q&A sessions with    and tutor-moderated online discussion forums
          the tutors, self-assessment exercises, supplementary reading material
 The webinars can also be purchased and viewed individually –    and tutor-moderated online discussion forums   Course length: 4 weeks
 live and/or recorded.                                        CPD hours: Up to 16
          Course length: 4 weeks
 Previous participants have commented…  CPD hours: Up to 16   Relevant to CertAVP modules: Anaesthesia essay for Small Animal
                                                              Practice (B-SAP.1), Small Animal Anaesthesia and Analgesia (C-VA.1)
 “Extremely useful knowledge. Definitely more advanced than other    Relevant to CertAVP module: Critical Care and Analgesia (C-VA.3)   and Critical Care and Analgesia (C-VA.3)
 ECC courses out there and very up-to-date with research.”   Course fee: £379
                                                              Course fee: £379
 “All tutors have been extremely helpful and supportive and have been   Tutors  Tutors
 able to offer advice on a wide range of queries in the discussion forums   Carolina Palacios Jimenez DVM CertVA PGCertVetEd PhD DipECVAA   Carl Bradbrook BVSc CertVA DipECVAA FRCVS, RCVS Recognised
 with extremely prompt replies which has been helpful for improvements    MRCVS, Lecturer in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, RVC   Specialist and EBVS  European Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia
 in clinical practice.”  Sandra Sanchis Mora DVM MVetMed DipECVAA PhD PGCertVetEd   and Analgesia, Moores Veterinary Specialists, Winchester
          FHEA MRCVS, Lecturer in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, RVC
 “The course was very useful for both OOH and first opinion work and   Matt Gurney BVSc CertVA PgCertVBM DipECVAA MRCVS, RCVS
 gave clarification to a lot of situations and management of such seen on    Recognised Specialist and EBVS  European Specialist in Veterinary
 a day to day basis.”                                         Anaesthesia and Analgesia, Moores Veterinary Specialists, Winchester
 “I have completed this and the x-ray course now which have both been
 extremely valuable to enhancing and improving my clinical work. The
 tutors offer brilliant advice and are quick to respond to queries on the
 discussion boards.”
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