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22                                                                                     RVC CPD 2022                     Small animal medicine, dermatology,                                                                 23
                                                                                                                                 ophthalmology, clinical pathology and behaviour

         Webinar: Introduction to shelter medicine           Medical oncology – insight into                                     Getting the best out of your microscope             Unravel the riddle of neurology – practical
                                                             diagnostics and chemotherapy online                                 – the essentials                                    clinical reasoning in small animal neurology

                                                  NEW        Monday 6th June                                                                                                         Monday 26th September
         Friday 20th May                                     to Sunday 17th July                                                 Tuesday 28th June                                   to Sunday 6th November
         Are you new to shelter medicine and want to know more about the    Would you like to strengthen your confidence and enhance your skills    Have you ever felt frustrated on a Bank Holiday weekend or out of hours,   No need for neurophobia – the five finger rule will enable you to tackle
         subject many new graduates are talking about? Are you involved in    in diagnosing and managing cancers in dogs and cats?  when you looked down the microscope, wishing you could make sense    any neuro case with confidence!
         charity work in your practice? Do you see recently adopted animals?   This course will provide you with an overview of different diagnostic tools   of all the cells on your smear?  This course aims to equip you with the knowledge, thinking and skills
         Would you like to know why shelter vets use different vaccination    used in oncology, when they are indicated and how to interpret the results   Then this hands-on CPD is for you! This course will help you gain   required for clinical reasoning of important neurological problems that
         regimes and neutering policies?
                                                             including their advantages and disadvantages for different neoplasms.    confidence about what can be seen down the scope and what it means.   present in small animal practice. Not only will you develop and strengthen
         Shelter medicine is a relatively new subject and covers many topics   We will focus on diagnostic procedures that can be used in general   This will help you maximise the value of the practice microscope to the   your problem solving skills in veterinary neurology, you will also become
         including preventative health for populations, high speed high-volume   practice to diagnose lymphoma, mammary carcinoma, soft tissue sarcoma,   benefit of your patients and clients, whatever the day or time.  more confident in identifying abnormalities seen on the neurological
         high-quality neutering, pragmatic decision making, and behaviour and   and respiratory tumours.                         Why do this course?                                 examination and in managing neurological cases.
         communication with shelter stakeholders.
                                                             Once a cancer has been diagnosed, there are a variety of chemotherapy   As well as lectures to refresh the basics in haematology, cytology, and   Why do this course?
         Join us to get an overview of this fascinating new subject and pick up    protocols available and choosing between them can be challenging.    urinalysis, this course offers practical sessions on the microscope,    Neurology is like maths – people either love it or hate it. We will provide
         some tips from our shelter team that you can take forward into your   This course therefore aims to discuss the advantages of certain protocols   where you can immediately apply what you have just learned. You will    you with tools to enable you to think like a neurologist and feel confident to
         everyday practice.                                  over others, their safe administration, adequate monitoring of patients to   have a collection of cases to work through with your microscope, while    manage any neurological presentation. We hope to make you love neurology!
                                                             limit side effects, and how to treat adverse events.                the course tutors, specialists in clinical pathology and dermatology, will
         Why do this course?                                                                                                     assist you and answer your questions.               Key areas
         Find out more about the subject of shelter medicine and learn how    Why do this course?                                                                                    •  The perfect neurological examination for dogs or cats and how to
         and why to apply your small animal knowledge to multi-animal groups    This course will equip you with the necessary knowledge to diagnose    Key areas                      localise the lesion
         and rehoming settings.                              and monitor cancer and decide when and how to administer the best   • How to make good quality smears from aspirates and blood  • Problem solving and management of seizure disorders
                                                             chemotherapy treatment.                                             • Blood smear evaluation – cell morphology and interpretation  • Vestibular system – central or peripheral?
         Key areas                                                                                                               • Cytology of lumps and bumps, skin and ears        •  Problem solving in spinal diseases – specific neuro exam findings for
         • Preventative health and disease management for groups of animals  Key areas                                           • Urinalysis – brushing up the basics                specific diseases
         • Neutering – including an introduction to paediatric neutering  • Cytology vs histopathology                                                                               • Weakness – define the problem, define the system
         • Pragmatic decision making                         • Immunohistochemistry and immunocytochemistry                      Previous participants have commented…               • Neurological emergencies – no reason to panic
         • Behaviour and patient friendly handling           • PARR and flow cytometry                                           “Excellent day’s CPD. The hands-on practical aspect made it very
                                                             • Chemotherapy protocols and monitoring                             relevant to practice and a great learning tool.”    Previous participants have commented…
         Course details                                      • Safe handling of chemotherapy agents                                                                                  “I liked the structured approach which went through every element of
         Course type: Webinar                                • Lymphoma                                                          Course details                                      clinical neurology that presents in the first opinion clinic.”
         Course format: Live webinar with an opportunity for Q&A with the   • Mammary carcinoma                                  Course type: Onsite
         lecturers plus access to recorded version for 2 weeks   • Soft tissue sarcoma                                           Course format: Lectures, case-based discussions and practical   Course details
         Course length: 2 hours                              • Respiratory tumours                                               microscopy sessions                                 Course type: e-CPD
         CPD hours: 2                                                                                                            Course length: 1 day                                Course format: An intensive tutor-moderated learning experience.
         Course fee: £50*                                    Previous participants have commented…                               CPD hours: 8                                        Resources include online presentations, electronic course notes, videos,
                                                             “Studies were interesting to read and changed some of my thoughts   Relevant to CertAVP module: Pathology (C-VP.2)      case assessments, self-assessment quizzes, supplementary reading
         *Recorded version will be available to purchase for £30 approximately  regarding treatment.”                            Course fee: : £449                                  material and discussion forums in which participants review and discuss
         two weeks after the live course date.                                                                                                                                       cases with colleagues and the tutor
                                                             “As a beginner in this topic, all information was very useful.”     Tutors
         Tutors                                                                                                                  Anke Hendricks DrMedVet CertVD DipECVD PGCertAP FHEA   Course length: 6 weeks
         Louise Allum BSC MA VetMB PGCertVetEd Grad Cert Shelter    Course details                                               MRCVS, Associate Professor in Veterinary Dermatology, RVC   CPD hours: Up to 42
         Med FHEA MRCVS, Head Vet Shelter Medicine Programme, RVC    Course type: e-CPD                                          Emma Holmes BVetMed MVetMed DipACVP FHEA MRCVS,     Relevant to CertAVP module: Small Animal Medicine (C-SAM.7)
         Bree Merritt BSc BVMS PGDipCABC FHEA MRCVS, Lead Vet at   Course format: An intensive tutor-moderated online learning experience.   Lecturer in Veterinary Clinical Pathology, RVC  Course fee: £725
         Wood Green, the Animals Charity for Shelter Medicine Programme, RVC  Resources include online presentations, electronic course notes, case                                  Tutor
                                                             assessments, supplementary reading material and discussion forums                                                       Holger Volk DVM DipECVN PhD FHEA MRCVS, Professor of Small
                                                             in which participants review and discuss cases with their colleagues                                                    Animal Diseases, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Honorary
                                                             and the tutor                                                                                                           Professor of Veterinary Neurology and Neurosurgery, RVC
                                                             Course length: 6 weeks
                                                             CPD hours: Up to 42
                                                             Relevant to CertAVP module: Small Animal Medicine (C-SAM.10)
                                                             Course fee: £725
                                                             Irina Gramer DipECVIM-CA (Oncology) MRCVS,
                                                             Lecturer in Oncology, RVC
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