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24  RVC CPD 2022  Small animal medicine, dermatology,                                                        25
          ophthalmology, clinical pathology and behaviour

 Ophthalmology online –  a   Webinar Plus: Canine haematopoietic   Webinar Plus: Creating confident,   Webinar Plus: Advanced shelter medicine
 problem-based approach  neoplasia – an update on diagnostics and   sociable and adaptable dogs

 Monday 3rd October    Wednesday 5th October    NEW  Monday 10th October    NEW  Monday 31st October    NEW
 to Sunday 13th November  to Tuesday 1st November  to Sunday 6th November  to Sunday 27th November
 Does the thought of having to see an “eye case” make you anxious?    You’ve diagnosed your patient with lymphoma –now what? You’re   The massive increase in the pet dog population during the C-19 pandemic   Working in the field of shelter medicine and want to know more? This
 Do you fear you are not getting the most out of your ophthalmic exam?    suspicious of multiple myeloma – how do you confirm the diagnosis?   has highlighted the need for canine caregivers to have access to the best   course is designed for those working in charity medicine, accessible
 Are you confused about what treatment is best for corneal ulcers?  Confused about immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry, PARR, and    information to help them raise dogs who are able to cope with domestic life.   care or within shelters to meet with like-minded people and update
 when to use them?  The veterinary profession has an important role in providing that information   your knowledge with the RVC Shelter Team.
 This intensive tutor-moderated online learning experience should help    and this course will help practice staff to fulfil this role.
 solve these problems for you.  Haematopoietic tumours, especially lymphoma, are common cancers   Throughout the course we will be thinking about different areas of
 diagnosed in general practice. This course will provide a general overview   This course will explore the theory behind creating emotionally intelligent   shelter medicine and the latest thoughts and controversies in this field.
 Why do this course?  on a variety of haematopoietic neoplasias in dogs, giving you up-to-date   dogs who can adapt to the challenges of domestic life and live long and
 This course will help improve your ophthalmology problem solving skills,   knowledge to approach them confidently in practice. We will discuss novel   happy lives with their human caregivers. There will be an explanation of the   All the topics that you love to debate including when and how to neuter,
 provide you with tips on how to enhance your ophthalmic examination    techniques and treatment options for canine lymphoma and review the   health triad approach to behavioural medicine and how the breeding and   when to vaccinate and lots of real-life cases to think about and discuss.
 skills and build your knowledge about small animal ophthalmology.
 clinical presentation and treatment options for lymphoid and myeloid   rearing of puppies can be used to optimise emotional health. The role of   Pragmatic decision making and how to work up and manage cases in
 Key areas  leukaemia. It will also cover less common haematopoietic cancers such    the veterinary practice in providing appropriate information for prospective   your own charity practice or shelter will also be a focus.
 • The ophthalmic exam – tips and tricks  as plasma cell and histiocytic neoplasias.   and new canine caregivers will be discussed. Practical tips will be given    Why do this course?
 •  Develop a logical diagnostic and therapeutic approach to the red  Why do this course?  for supporting caregivers and helping their pets on their journey to being   You will already have a basic knowledge of shelter medicine and will be
 eye, opaque eye, blind eye and wet eye  confident, sociable and adaptable dogs.
 • Abnormal pupil sizes and what they mean  This course will provide you with the tools and knowledge to decide the   keen to expand your knowledge and interact with other vets in the field.
 best diagnostic approach in dogs with haematopoietic neoplasia, allowing   Why do this course?
 Previous participants have commented…  you to provide an up-to-date and individualised treatment plan for your   You as a veterinary professional have an important role to play in providing   Key areas
                                                              • Infectious disease control – biosecurity and vaccination
 “Pitched at the right level, I learnt a lot that I will use in my day-to-day   patients with confidence.  suitable information to help clients to get the very best out of their   • Neutering – how and when, update on techniques
 work as a GP, very interesting.”  relationship with their pet and give their pet the best start in life. This
 Key areas                                                    •  Decision making in shelter medicine –logical clinical problem solving
 Course details  •  Update on novel diagnostic techniques for dogs with lymphoma  course will explain the theory behind creating confident, sociable and   and rational use of resources
          adaptable dogs and give you practical tips to help your practice offer a
 Course type: e-CPD   (flow cytometry, PARR)  quality preventative behavioural medicine service for their clients.  • Behaviour cases and patient friendly handling
 Course format: An intensive tutor-moderated online learning   •  Review of the clinical presentation and treatment options for dogs  Course details
 experience. Resources include electronic course notes, a booklet    with lymphoid and myeloid leukaemia.  Key areas  Course type: Webinar Plus with a live weekly Q&A session
 where basic information and definitions will be explained, videos,   •  Chemotherapy options for dogs with lymphoproliferative disease:  •  What is the role of breeding in creating confident sociable and  Course format: A mixture of pre-recorded weekly webinars (which
 supplementary reading material, self-assessment quizzes and discussion   beyond CHOP.  adaptable dogs?  can be reviewed throughout the course), live weekly Q&A sessions
 forums in which participants review and discuss clinical material with   •  Diagnostic approach to plasma cell neoplasia: plasma cell tumour,  • How can new caregivers optimise the emotional health of their pet?  with the tutors, quizzes, supplementary reading material and tutor-
 colleagues and the tutors   solitary osseous plasmacytoma and multiple myeloma.  • What is the role of cognition in establishing confidence and adaptability?  moderated online discussion forums
 Course length: 6 weeks   •  Histiocytic neoplasia: histiocytoma, histiocytic sarcoma, cutaneous  • What is emotional intelligence and how can it be established?  Course length: 4 weeks
 CPD hours: Up to 42   Langerhans histiocytosis and reactive histiocytosis –how can we  •  How can the veterinary practice help in the creation of confident sociable  CPD hours: Up to 16
 Relevant to CertAVP module: Small Animal Medicine (C-SAM.10)   differentiate them?  and adaptable dogs?  Course fee: £379
 Course fee: £725
 Course details  Course details
 Tutors  Course type: Webinar Plus with a live weekly Q&A session   Course type: Webinar Plus   Tutors
                                                              Louise Allum BSC MA VetMB PGCertVetEd Grad Cert Shelter
 Charlotte Dawson BVetMed MVetMed DipECVO MRCVS, Senior   Course format: A mixture of pre-recorded weekly webinars (which    Course format: A mixture of weekly webinars (which can be viewed    Med FHEA MRCVS, Head Vet Shelter Medicine Program, RVC
 Lecturer in Veterinary Ophthalmology, RVC   can be reviewed throughout the course), live weekly Q&A sessions    live and/or as recorded versions throughout the course), self-assessment   Bree Merritt BSc BVMS PGDipCABC FHEA MRCVS, Lead Vet at
 Màrian Matas Riera DVM DipECVO PGCertVetEd FHEA, RCVS   with the tutors, quizzes, supplementary reading material and tutor-  exercises, supplementary reading material and tutor-moderated online   Wood Green, the Animals Charity for Shelter Medicine Program, RVC
 Recognised Specialist and EBVS  European Specialist in Veterinary   moderated online discussion forums    discussion forums
 Ophthalmology, Memvet –Referral Centre, Spain   Course length: 4 weeks   Course length: 4 weeks
 Roser Tetas Pont LV MSc DipECVO MRCVS, Senior Lecturer in   CPD hours: Up to 16   CPD hours: Up to 16
 Veterinary Ophthalmology, RVC  Course fee: £379  Course fee: £379
 Tutors   Tutor
 Alexandra Guillén DVM DipECVIM-CA (Oncology) MRCVS,    Sarah Heath BVSc PGCertVE DipECAWBM (BM) CCAB FRCVS,
 Lecturer in Oncology, RVC   RCVS and EBVS  Veterinary Specialist in Behavioural Medicine,
 Andy Yale BVMedSci BVM BVS PGDipVCP MVetMed MRCVS,    Behavioural Referrals Veterinary Practice, Chester
 Staff Clinician in Oncology, RVC
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