Page 19 - CPD 2022
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18 RVC CPD 2022 Small animal medicine, dermatology, 19
ophthalmology, clinical pathology and behaviour
Logical clinical problem solving online Neurological emergencies in practice online Webinar Plus: Behavioural medicine in Haematology and cytology online
general veterinary practice
Monday 24th January Monday 7th February Monday 14th February Monday 21st February
to Sunday 6th March to Sunday 20th March to Sunday 13th March to Sunday 3rd April
Do you find medical cases frustrating rather than fun? Does the thought Neurological emergencies in general practice –when should I be worried? Emotional health impacts on physical health! Do you want to increase your skills in examining blood smears and fine
of seeing a patient with chronic diarrhoea make your heart sink? Would The aim of this course is to provide the participants with the knowledge and Emotional health impacts on physical health and is important when needle aspirates to expand the service you can provide to your patients?
you like to increase your confidence so that you can assess and manage skills required to confidently deal with neurological emergencies in general investigating client’s concerns about their pet’s behaviour. It therefore needs The ever-widening availability of in-house haematology analysers has
medical cases competently? Would you like to enjoy practice more and practice and to strengthen their problem-solving skills in veterinary to be considered during the veterinary visit and when managing and treating provided many benefits for patient care. In many practices however, there
get a buzz of excitement rather than a frisson of fear from medical cases?
neurology. The course will include clinical case sessions where real cases everyday medical issues within general practice. The interplay between is a skills gap in relation to blood smear examination in-house. Yet this
Why do this course? will be presented and discussed by the tutors and participants. emotional and physical health has been highlighted in conditions such as is an essential skill for these machines to be used reliably and safely.
This course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills Why do this course? feline idiopathic cystitis, but the importance of considering both emotional This course is for practitioners who wish to develop and enhance their
required to apply logical problem solving skills to some of the important Neurological emergencies can seem terrifying and the last thing you want to and physical factors is relevant to a wide range of clinical conditions including skills in haematology and cytology. The course uses a case-based
clinical signs seen in small animal practice. endocrine disease, gastrointestinal and dermatological conditions and pain.
see during or after a busy day in practice. The course will help you develop a teaching approach. There is an active tutor-moderated discussion forum
Key areas clear strategy for assessing and localising the problem and thus increase your Emotional health is also important in relation to the potential behavioural to discuss any questions regarding techniques, the study cases, specific
• Introduction to logical clinical problem solving confidence and problem-solving skills. We will provide you with practical tips manifestations of emotional challenge both within the practice setting topics in haematology and cytology, and participants’ cases.
• Problem-based approach to vomiting, diarrhoea, weight loss, polyuria/ and support you to enhance and apply your knowledge in practice. and at home. Why do this course?
polydipsia and anaemia
• Interpretation of clinical pathology related to liver and pancreatic disease Key areas The role of the veterinary practice in safeguarding the emotional health You will improve your skills and efficiency in preparing and assessing
of their patients will be explored and the importance of considering
high quality blood smears and cytological samples.
• The neurological exam in the emergency room –what do I need to know?
• Interpretation of clinical pathology related to renal function • Traumatic brain and spinal injury –essential concepts for treatment emotional health when managing and treating everyday medical issues
• Interpretation of the haemogram Key areas
• Acute myelopathies will be considered.
Previous participants have commented… • Acute vestibular syndrome –when should I be worried? Why do this course? • Microscope skills – setup and care
• Top tips on making high quality blood smears, fine needle aspirates,
“Exactly what it says on the tin. I will be confident in my approach to • Acute encephalopathies –from vascular to inflammatory This course will highlight the importance of understanding emotional imprints and fluid preparations
cases following this and ask more questions of myself when making • Seizures in the emergency room –what can I do? health in the context of general veterinary practice and give you greater • Systematic and efficient approach to the interpretation of peripheral blood
clinical judgements.”
Previous participants have commented… insight into this vitally important aspect of veterinary practice. smears, common skin masses, lymph node, organ and cavity aspirates
“Enjoyable and relevant with great tutor support.” “Extremely relevant to first opinion practice, this has transformed Key areas • Understanding the strength and weakness of haematology analysers
my level of confidence in handling neurological cases.”
Course details • Emotional motivations and their behavioural consequences Previous participants have commented…
Course type: e-CPD “The course was excellent and represented very good value per • The interplay between emotional and physical health “I feel much more confident in my abilities to attempt haematology
Course format: An intensive tutor-moderated online learning experience. CPD hour.” • Developing emotional intelligence in companion animals and cytology following the course.”
Resources include online presentations, electronic course notes, case Course details • Optimising emotional health during the veterinary visit “Best tutors ever! Very, very helpful answers and very cool people!”
assessments, supplementary reading material and discussion forums Course type: e-CPD • Understanding the role of medication in behavioural medicine
in which participants review and discuss cases with their colleagues Course format: An intensive tutor-moderated online learning experience. • Understanding the role of pheromones and nutraceuticals in Course details
and the tutors Resources include online presentations, electronic course notes, case behavioural medicine Course type: e-CPD
Course length: 6 weeks assessments, supplementary reading material and discussion forums Previous participants have commented… Course format: An intensive tutor-moderated online learning experience.
CPD hours: Up to 42 in which participants review and discuss cases with their colleagues “Super high standard, useful, informative course which has totally Resources include an online haematology and cytology manual, videos,
Relevant to CertAVP modules: Small Animal Practice (B-SAP.1), and the tutors changed how I view each case I see now. Course tutor was excellent!” a multitude of case assessment exercises, supplementary reading material
Small Animal Medicine (C-SAM.8, 9 and 10) Course length: 6 weeks and discussion forums in which participants review and discuss cases
Course fee: £725 Course details with their colleagues and the tutors
CPD hours: Up to 42
Tutors Relevant to CertAVP modules: Small Animal Medicine (C-SAM.7 and 10) Course type: Webinar Plus with a live weekly Q&A session Course length: 6 weeks
Course format: A mixture of pre-recorded weekly webinars (which can
CPD hours: Up to 42
Jill Maddison BVSc DipVetClinStud PhD FACVSc SFHEA MRCVS, Course fee: £725 be reviewed throughout the course), live weekly Q&A sessions with the Relevant to CertAVP modules: Clinical Pathology (C-VP.2)
Professor of General Practice, RVC Tutors tutor, online case assessment exercises, supplementary reading material, Course fee: £725
Lucy McMahon BVetMed DipACVIM DipECVIM-CA MRCVS, RCVS Elsa Beltran Ldo Vet DipECVN PGDipVetEd FHEA MRCVS, Associate and tutor-moderated online discussion forums
Recognised Specialist and EBVS European Specialist in Small Animal Professor in Veterinary Neurology and Neurosurgery, RVC Course length: 4 weeks Tutors
Internal Medicine, Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists, Winchester Barbara Glanemann DrMedVet DipECVIM PGDipVetEd FHEA
Abbe Crawford BVM&S BSc PhD MRCVS, Clinician in Veterinary CPD hours: Up to 16 MRCVS, Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Medicine, RVC
Neurology and Neurosurgery, RVC Course fee: £379 Balázs Szladovits DVM DipACVP PGDipVetEd FHEA MRCVS,
Steven De Decker DVM PhD MVetMed DipECVN FHEA MRCVS, Tutor Associate Professor in Clinical Pathology, RVC
Associate Professor in Veterinary Neurology and Neurosurgery, RVC Sarah Heath BVSc PGCertVE DipECAWBM(BM) CCAB FRCVS,
Alberta de Stefani DrVetMed PhD DipECVN MRCVS, Senior Lecturer RCVS and EBVS Veterinary Specialist in Behavioural Medicine,
in Neurology and Neurosurgery, RVC
Behavioural Referrals Veterinary Practice, Chester