Karen is co-head of the Emergency Referrals and Critical Care services and Director of the Transfusion Medicine Service. She has a particular interest in progressing our understanding of anaemia and transfusion medicine in dogs and cats.
Dom is particularly interested in sepsis, transfusion medicine and care of the critically ill patient. He has a particular interest in progressing our understanding of sepsis in dogs, and development of teaching non-technical skills. Dom is also interested in a range of critical care therapies including mechanical ventilation, cardiac bypass and continual renal replacement therapy.
Dan is particularly interested in coagulation disorders, nutritional support of the critically ill patient and acute pancreatitis in dogs. He has particular interest in progressing our understanding of immune-mediated heamolytic anaemia in dogs and sepsis.
Tom is a lecturer in Emergency and Critical Care. He is active in supervising case management of emergency and critical care patients within the ER and ICU at the Queen Mother Hospital for Animals, as well as providing numerous forms of advanced extracorporeal therapies. His specific clinical interests outside of extracorporeal therapies include advanced mechanical ventilation, sepsis, multiple organ failure and acid-base disorders.
Simon is part of the Emergency Referrals and Critical Care services with particular interests in patient side ultrasonography, cardiovascular monitoring, endothelial function and ischaemia-reperfusion injury. Research interests would include neuromodulation and management of pericardial effusions.
Laura is interested in all aspects of Emergency Medicine and Critical Care, although she is particularly interested in the management of acute kidney injury and emergency ultrasound.