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Pet Reptile dental issues and services
Reptile Dental Services
Dental disease might not seem the biggest issue for a pet lizard, but can be a common problem for some species. One recent survey in fact revealed that up to 35% of bearded dragons seen by vets had dental abnormalities. Our team at RVC Beaumont Sainsbury Animal Hospital in London offer extensive reptile dental health services.
Facts about teeth in lizards
These can vary considerably depending on species and feeding habits, but animals can generally be split into two groups; those that have pleurodont dentition such as iguanas and monitor lizards, and those that have acrodont dentition such as bearded dragons, water dragons and chameleons.
Pleurodont teeth are attached to the inner side of the jawbone and are shed and replaced regularly throughout the animal’s life.
Acrodont teeth in contrast are firmly attached to the crest of the jaw bone and are rarely replaced. Consequently, any damage or disease of the teeth can be a serious problem for this latter group of lizards.
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What are the causes of reptile dental disease?
Lizard dental disease is associated with captivity issues such as inappropriate diets (too many soft fruits or waxworms).
Long term, these diets appear to result in the development of plaque, subsequent build up of bacteria and then gingivitis and calculus formation not dissimilar to dental disease in humans. Dental problems may be a consequence of trauma and subsequent infection. Prompt treatment is required in these cases to prevent significant pain and spread of infection. As these animals may not always show clear signs of dental problems - owners are unaware of the extent of the disease until it reaches a fairly advanced stage.
Prevention of reptile dental disease
This usually involves dietary changes to reduce bacterial build up and increase removal of plaque. Feeding of invertebrates such as crickets and locusts rather than softer mealworms or waxworms has been suggested to help with this, in addition to ensuring that sugary fruits and vegetables are minimised. These dietary changes have the added advantage of helping to prevent weight-related issues such as fatty liver, heart disease and even joint problems. Dental problems are completely preventable in pet lizards and regular dental treatments should not be necessary.
The key is detecting problems at an early stage so that easy adjustments can be made