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Pre-visit information (cats and dogs)
Taking your pet to the vet can be a stressful experience, both for you and your furry friend. However, with a little preparation, you can ensure that the visit goes smoothly and that your pet receives the best care possible. This advice sheet provides essential tips and guidelines to help you prepare for your veterinary appointment, whether it’s a routine check-up or a specific concern. Here at the RVC, we want to create bonds and reinforce positive experiences when vet visiting, as this creates a stress-free time for pets, vets and ‘rents!
- We can offer you ‘quieter’ times for appointments for animals who would prefer, although we can never guarantee an empty waiting room, you can call us when close and a member of staff can assist you into the building and straight into a consultation room. We are more than happy to work with you!
- We always recommend muzzle training so that dogs learn to wear muzzles calmly and without fear. This can be very useful, as suddenly putting on a muzzle in times of stress, fear or pain can leave lasting damage. Muzzles can also be used as distraction techniques or to prevent scavenging and not always because an animal might bite!
Dogs Trust has some great resources for this online- https://www.dogstrust.org.uk/dog-advice/training/outdoors/muzzle-training - Always use a well-fitted collar or harness and lead. Our waiting room can get very busy and it's very important to have control.
- Please use covers for your cat's carrier! Being exposed can be very stressful for cats, so covering them can help minimise fear and stress. We also provide covers in our practice so feel free to ask for one when you check in!
- We offer a ‘chill protocol’ for patients who require it. This is a combination of drugs that help with anxiety and stress, that unfortunately many of our patients experience whilst visiting vets. They can cause a light sedative effect, which can allow us to perform procedures required without stress and fear and prevents the vicious circle.
- We love doing ‘Happy Visits’ where you can bring your pet in, we can fuss them, offer treats and not ‘poke and prod’ them to prevent the snowball effect of fear and anxiety with vet visits.
- If your pet has a favourite treat or toy, please bring it with you, as we can use these to help create a positive experience and form bonds!
- If in doubt, give us a call. We have friendly, knowledgeable staff to help you at any time!