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Rabbit Dental Issues and Services
Rabbit Dentistry
Dental problems in rabbits can occur for a variety of reasons including genetic or traumatic causes. However, the most common cause of dental disease in rabbits is an inappropriate diet. This can mean either the wrong sort of food being offered OR the right sorts of foods in the wrong quantities! Providing plant material such as grass and hay (which act a little like sand paper when chewed) is essential to stop overgrowth of rabbits' teeth.
Rabbits’ cheek teeth grow several millimetres every week. A lack of plant material in the diet can lead to cheek teeth that are too long leading
- pain
- reduced appetite
- weight loss
- abscesses
- eye conditions
Too little fibre in the diet can also lead to fatal gut problems and diarrhoea.
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Common signs of rabbit dental problems:
- Reduced appetite / favouring softer food items
- Reduced droppings
- Weight loss
- Drooling
- Discharge from the eyes
- Swelling on the face
- Reduced grooming
- Not eating their caecotrophs (night faeces)
If in any doubt, it is always best to book in for a full health check with one of our Exotics team as problems can be very painful and progress quickly leading to serious illness. A health check will include a full discussion about your rabbit’s set up, diet, health concerns and a full physical examination including looking inside the mouth.
When is a full rabbit dental examination under sedation needed?
Even with the most well-behaved rabbits, we cannot completely examine every tooth conscious, so if in doubt we may recommend a full dental examination under sedation with imaging if needed. At this point, any dental overgrowths can be corrected with a small burr and any loose or infected teeth can be removed. Most rabbits will be kept in hospital for one night following the procedure for ongoing supportive care and to make sure that they are eating well and producing plenty of droppings before their return home!
How often should my rabbit's teeth be checked?
We recommend dental checks every 6 months for most pet rabbits as dental disease is such a common problem and more easily treated if detected at an early stage. More frequent checks may be necessary for certain individuals, so if in doubt just ask one of our team for advice.
If your rabbit is diagnosed with dental problems, regular dental work is usually necessary to keep the teeth in line and prevent painful spikes and ulcers. Some animals will also need ongoing pain relief if their problems are severe.