Page 88 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 24-25
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                                                                                                                                                                                 Biological sciences applicants

                                                                                                        We complete our initial                                                  Veterinary medicine applicants
                                                                                                          assessments for                                                        Veterinary nursing applicants
                                                                                                      VETERINARY GATEWAY
                                                                                                        applications, and send
                                                                                 We start to evaluate
                                                                              BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES        interview invitations
                                      We start to evaluate                              and
                                                                                                                                                                                                     If your only/final condition is
                                   VETERINARY MEDICINE                        VETERINARY NURSING                                                                                                   based on exam results, and you
                                         applications                               applications                                                                                                     meet this condition, you will
                                                                                                   We complete our initial                                                 You will be sent         receive an unconditional offer
        Begin the application                                                                                                                                       accommodation information –          to study at the RVC
                                                                                                      assessments for
       process through UCAS         VMCAS DEADLINE for          We complete our initial           VETERINARY NURSING                                                        Complete the
       (from September 2023)       VETERINARY MEDICINE                                             applications, and send                                               occupational health              After receiving an
            and VMCAS                applications, including       assessments for                  interview invitations                                                   questionnaire                unconditional offer,
          (from May 2023).            supplementary form       VETERINARY MEDICINE                                                                                                                      you can apply for a
                                                                applications, and send
                                                                  interview invitations      UCAS application                                                                                          student visa if required
                                          15 TH                                               DEADLINE for
                                          SEP                                                                                                             DEADLINE to respond
                                          2023     UCAS DEADLINE for                     BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES,                                                  to your offer
                                                                                         VETERINARY GATEWAY
                                                 VETERINARY MEDICINE                    and VETERINARY NURSING
                                                  applications, including
                                                   supplementary form                                                                      You will be invited to attend
                                                                                                   31 ST                                   an OFFER HOLDER DAY
                                                          16 TH                                   JAN

        MAY/JUN/JUL      AUGUST      SEPTEMBER     OCTOBER     NOVEMBER     DECEMBER      JANUARY      FEBRUARY         MARCH            APRIL                MAY                 JUNE               JULY             AUGUST    SEPTEMBER

        88   * If you are applying from North America and currently studying a degree, you are required to submit your application through VMCAS.         Please visit  f for more information.
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