Page 2 - RVC International Prospectus 24-25
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                                                                                   We have a vibrant
                                                                                   international community,
                                                                                   with students from 54
        We are convinced that we offer                            #1               countries and staff from
                                                                                   94 countries
        you some of the best biosciences,

        veterinary medicine and veterinary
        nursing training in the world, but if
                                                              The RVC was ranked #1
        you are in two minds about where                      in the world for Veterinary
                                                              Science (QS World
        to study, let us explain why…                         University Rankings 2022)

                          We have been
                          serious about science
                          for 232 years

                          The RVC is one of the               Want hands-on                Our courses are
                          few veterinary schools              experience?                  internationally
                          in the world that holds             The RVC now runs four        recognised –
                          accreditations from the             animal hospitals, three      graduate from the
                          Royal College of Veterinary         first opinion practices      RVC and you could
                          Surgeons (RCVS) in the UK,          including an exotics         work almost anywhere
                          the European Association of         service and our              in the world
                          Establishments for Veterinary       own farm
                          Education (EAEVE) in the EU,
                          and the Council on Education
                          of the American Veterinary
                          Medical Association (AVMA)
                          in the USA and Canada

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