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12  RVC CPD 2022  Professional skills for the veterinary team                                                13

 Webinar Plus: Anthrozoology for   Webinar Plus: Dr Internet, charity cases    Webinar Plus: Euthanasia and bereavement   Webinar Plus: Clinical governance
 veterinary professionals  and social media outrage: Ethical   – understanding and supporting your clients,  – quality improvement and fostering
 problem-solving for veterinarians  your colleagues and yourself  a supportive practice culture
                                                              Monday 31st October to
 Monday 6th June    NEW  Wednesday 8th June   NEW  Monday 12th September   Sunday 27th November    NEW
 to Sunday 3rd July  Tuesday 5th July  to Sunday 9th October  and Wednesday 14th December
 Have you ever wondered why some clients go to great lengths to provide    Have you faced ethical dilemmas in your practice? Do you want to learn   Do you sometimes find it hard to make sense of your clients’ reactions    Does your practice measure clinical outcomes and processes and
 the best care for their animals while others do only the bare minimum?   how to manage them in a structured and consistent way?  to euthanasia and death? Would you like to be able to manage these   involve the whole team in making changes and improvements? Do you
 Would you like to understand some of the underlying factors that might be   In this course, we will examine common ethical issues in the veterinary   situations more successfully?   have a culture where errors and near misses can be discussed freely in
 influencing clients’ diverse and at times conflicting attitudes and practices?   the knowledge that the aim is to improve systems, not blame individuals?
 profession, such as reasons for euthanasia, diet fads, breeding issues,   Those working in a veterinary practice deal with death on a daily basis.
 Anthrozoology is a rapidly growing multi-disciplinary field concerned with   staff treatment and many more. We will look at the veterinary surgeon’s   Many have never had any training to enable them to understand the   If not come and join us to see how small changes can make a big
                                                              difference to patient care and outcomes and team learning and morale.
 understanding the diverse ways in which humans think about and interact   role in dealing with challenging patients, clients and peers, and cover   emotions and processes their clients are experiencing, or how to
 with animals. Through a combined focus on the impacts of culture    ethical frameworks which help to develop a systematic and evidence-  communicate successfully with them during this difficult time.   During the online part of this course participants will learn what clinical
 on human perceptions and behaviours towards other animals, and the   based approach. Case studies will be included to examine the   This course aims to help participants gain a deeper understanding of the   governance is and why it is important to veterinary practices. The course
 experiences of individuals (which can challenge or affirm cultural norms),   intersection of legal, professional and welfare responsibilities. The    impact of companion-animal loss on clients, colleagues and themselves.    will also cover practice policies, guidelines and SOPs, quality improvement,
 anthrozoology can help shed light on client beliefs and practices.   course will include opportunities for discussion and peer learning.  dissemination of information, reporting incidents, veterinary practice culture
          It also intends to equip participants with the skills needed to support and
 This course aims to provide you with an introduction to anthrozoology and   Why do this course?  manage those affected by companion animal loss.  and when to make changes. There will be a follow up practical day, which
                                                              can be attended in person or online, to consolidate learning.
 to outline its relevance to the veterinary profession. Through the use of   You will learn new ways of examining ethical issues, and how to develop   Why do this course?
 illustrative case studies you will be introduced to some of the diverse ways   responses that are consistent with the values of the profession and the   If you are working as part of a veterinary team and wish to increase your   Why do this course?
 in which culture shapes beliefs and practices relating to different animals,   individuals concerned. In this challenging profession, feeling confident   understanding and ability to support those going through or working   This course is for anyone working in clinical veterinary practice. It is
 along with some examples where anthrozoological knowledge has been   that you have made the best possible decision is good for both our clients   alongside companion-animal loss.   designed as an introduction to the concept of clinical governance, quality
 implemented to change human behaviours in relation to animals.  and our own wellbeing. This course can contribute points to the RCVS   improvement, what happens when something goes wrong and how to
 Practice Standards Scheme ‘Professional Responsibility’ award.  Key areas  foster an open and blame free culture in the clinical setting. This course
 Why do this course?  • The human-companion animal bond       can contribute points to the RCVS Practice Standards Scheme ‘Clinical
 This course will provide you with relevant knowledge and skills to help    Key areas  • Grief, bereavement and pet loss  Governance’ module.
 you better understand some of the reasons behind the behaviours and   • Common veterinary ethical issues  • Supporting and communicating with your clients
 decisions made by clients.  • Ethical theory and frameworks  • Managing yourself, your own wellbeing and the wellbeing of colleagues  Key areas
 • The relationship of ethics to law and professional behaviour  • What is quality improvement and clinical governance
 This course can be purchased on its own or as part of a series with:  • Developing policy and procedure  • Creating a positive practice culture around pet loss  • Clinical audit and morbidity/mortality rounds
 Webinar Plus: Recognising and responding to animal abuse in    • Ethical problem-solving  You may also be interested in:   • Practice policies and guidelines
 veterinary practice – see page 14   Webinar: Practising quality-of-life assessment driven small animal   • Changing practice culture and case studies
 Webinar Plus: Healthy and happy animals: Welfare beyond the five   Course details  medicine on page 14. Book both and automatically receive a discount
 freedoms – see page 15  Course type: Webinar Plus   of £25 at the checkout.  Course details
 Course format: A mixture of weekly webinars (which can be viewed    Course type: Webinar Plus with a practical day (online or onsite)
 Key areas  live and/or as recorded versions throughout the course), quizzes to    Previous participants have commented…  Course format: A mixture of weekly webinars (which can be viewed live
 •  An introduction to anthrozoology and its relevance to the veterinary  help reinforce topics discussed, supplementary reading material and   “I’ve really enjoyed the course even though it is a difficult and   and/or as recorded versions throughout the course), self-assessment
 •  The role of culture and other social institutions in shaping beliefs,  discussion forums with colleagues and the tutors   emotive topic.”  tasks to help reinforce discussion, supplementary reading material and
                                                              discussion forums with colleagues and the tutors, followed by a practical
 Course length: 4 weeks
 attitudes and practices  Course details
 • Understanding and negotiating cultural differences  CPD hours: Up to 16   Course type: Webinar Plus with a live weekly Q&A session    day either online or at the RVC
 Relevant to CertAVP module: Animal welfare, professional conduct
                                                              Course length: 4 weeks (online) and 1 day (onsite or online)
 • Case studies – cultural norms versus individual experiences  and veterinary ethics essay for the A Module (A-FAVP.1)   Course format: A mixture of pre-recorded weekly webinars (which can   CPD hours: Up to 24
 • Strategies for human behaviour change  be reviewed throughout the course), live weekly Q&A sessions with the
 Course fee: £379                                             Relevant to CertAVP modules: Clinical Governance in Veterinary
 Course details  Tutors  tutors, self-assessment/reflection exercises, supplementary reading   Practice (C-VCG.1)
          material, and tutor-moderated online discussion forums
 Course type: Webinar Plus with a live weekly Q&A session   Nicola Menzies-Gow MA VetMB PhD DipECEIM CertEM (   Course length: 4 weeks    Course fee: £549
 Course format: A mixture of weekly pre-recorded webinars (which can   FHEA MRCVS, Reader in Equine Medicine, RVC   CPD hours: Up to 16    Tutors
 be reviewed throughout the course), live weekly Q&A sessions with the   Hamish Morrin MSc (International Animal Welfare, Ethics and Law)   Course fee: £379  Charlotte Dawson BVetMed MVetMed DipECVO MRCVS, Senior
 tutor, self-assessment exercises, supplementary reading material and   FHEA RVN, Lecturer in Animal Science, Writtle University College  Lecturer in Veterinary Ophthalmology, RVC
 tutor-moderated online discussion forums   Tutors            Andy Fiske-Jackson BVSc MVetMed DipECVS FHEA MRCVS,
 Course length: 4 weeks   Ruth Serlin BVetMed CertVA PGCAP FHEA MRCVS, Lecturer in   Senior Lecturer in Equine Surgery, RVC
 CPD hours: Up to 16   Veterinary Professionalism, RVC        Lisa Lines MA VN, Operations Director at the QMHA, RVC
 Course fee: £379 for 1 course, £699 for 2, or £999 for all 3  Claire Vinten BVMedSci BVM BVS PhD SFHEA MRCVS, Lecturer    Pam Mosedale BVetMed FRCVS, Quality Improvement Clinical Lead,
          in Veterinary Education, RVC
 Tutors                                                       RCVS Knowledge
 Samantha Hurn PhD, Associate Professor and Programme Director    In partnership with
 MA and PhD Anthrozoology, University of Exeter
 Emily Stone PhD, Research Associate Anthrozoology, University of Exeter
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