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10  RVC CPD 2022  Professional skills for the veterinary team                                                11

 Webinar Plus: Finding ways to thrive    Webinar Plus: Vegan cats, brachy dogs  and   Webinar  Plus:  A  coaching  approach   Webinar Plus: Mentoring new
 (not just survive) in veterinary   fractious owners: Ethical problem-solving for   to line management and leadership in   graduates and students for career
 practice  veterinary nurses   the veterinary workplace       satisfaction, employability and retention

 Monday 28th February   Monday 25th April                     Monday 6th June
 to Sunday 27th March  to Sunday 22nd May                     to Sunday 3rd July
 Monday 17th January
 to Sunday 13th February
 Do you want to focus on the solutions to stress in practice and learn how    Have you faced ethical dilemmas in your practice? Do you want to learn   Is managing people the most time consuming/draining part of your working   Do you want to support new graduates within your practice but are
 to thrive?  how to manage them in a structured and consistent way?  day? Do you wish everyone could just get on with their jobs and each other   unsure how to do so effectively to achieve a mutually beneficial outcome?
          without needing your input? Why are some people easier to manage than
 There is no doubt that veterinary medicine has become plagued with   In this course, we will examine common ethical challenges in the    others? Is it possible to develop your team whilst also developing yourself?  New graduate career satisfaction and retention is an increasing concern
 mental health and wellness concerns including high rates of psychological   veterinary profession, such as reasons for euthanasia, diet fads, breeding   within the profession. This course is focused on helping you support new
 distress, depression, and suicide that exceed those of the general   issues, staff treatment and many more. We will look at the developing    This course introduces the theory and practice of coaching as an approach   graduates to reach their full potential, both professional and personal, and
 population. However, a shift is needed to focus on the ways in which   role of the veterinary nurse in responding to these challenges and cover   to managing individuals and teams. It provides space for consideration of   help you retain the new recruits you have invested so much in.
 we can manage the stressors within veterinary practice, because the   ethical frameworks which help to develop a systematic and evidence-  some of the more complex and challenging issues relating to relationships   We know that the veterinary and veterinary nursing professions place
 demands of the profession are not going away.  based approach. The course will include opportunities for discussion    and communication at work. Delegates will develop their understanding of   significant demands on new graduates who can often feel underprepared for
 and peer learning.  the coaching process and will be encouraged to practise applying the
 These sessions will cover mental health, burnout, and compassion    theory in their own workplace environments. They will therefore develop   the wide-ranging challenges encountered in the workplace. Mentoring new
 fatigue, as well as strategies that all veterinary care providers can adopt   Why do this course?  confidence and competence in applying a situational (flexible) leadership   graduates to become resilient to these challenges (or mentoring students,
 on a regular basis to foster wellness and sustain resilience despite the   You will learn new ways of examining ethical issues, and how to develop   approach to ongoing development of themselves and their teams. This   to become resilient new graduates!) is rewarding but can be overwhelming.
 demands of veterinary practice.  responses that are consistent with the values of the profession and the   course is about helping delegates and their teams reach their full potential   This course will unpick some of the difficulties faced by new graduates
 individuals concerned. In our challenging profession, feeling confident    and explore ways you can support them to develop into professionally
 Why do this course?  that you have made the best possible decision is good for both our clients   in the complex and challenging veterinary workplace.  and emotionally confident members of the veterinary profession.
 You will come away from this course with an understanding of the    and our own wellbeing. This course can contribute points to the RCVS   Why do this course?
 mental health concerns that veterinary care providers face, the    Practice Standards Scheme ‘Professional Responsibility’ award.  This is a highly practical course designed to help you get more from    Questions on the RCVS’s new graduate programme will be welcomed
 suspected contributing factors, and self-assessment tools for recognising   your team through taking a coaching approach to line management and   and tips will be provided on completing the portfolio.
 perfectionism, burnout, and compassion fatigue. You will also learn   Key areas  leadership. You will learn how to create environments (for yourself and   Why do this course?
 practical tools for thriving in veterinary practice that can be immediately   • Common veterinary ethical issues  others) that optimise thinking, learning and performance. Through   To help you develop a supportive developmental environment for new
 implemented during and after the course.  • Ethical theory and frameworks  developing your conversational toolkits, you will be better able to manage   graduates that will be mutually beneficial to them, yourself and your practice.
 • The relationship of ethics to law and professional behaviour
 Key areas  • Developing policy and procedure  communication and teamwork in challenging and emotionally charged   Key areas
 • Mental health (depression, anxiety, psychological distress) and suicide  • Ethical problem-solving  situations. Your improved understanding of adult learning and development   •  Mentor or teacher? What’s the difference and what’s the best way to help?
 • Perfectionism, moral stressors, burnout, and compassion fatigue  will allow you to match your leadership and communication style to   • Resilience and new graduate wellbeing: What’s the problem?
 • Mindfulness and meditation  Previous participants have commented…  individuals and/or teams, so that each person can feel confident, perform    •  Old ways vs new? How to help your new graduates successfully
 • Self-care planning and practice  “Excellent course. Good insight into ethical theories and how these are   at their best and enjoy their work.  integrate their university teaching into the realities of clinical practice
 • Sleep hygiene  represented in the workplace setting.”  Key areas  •  Preparing and sustaining yourself as a mentor –self-management tools
 • Setting boundaries, saying no, and separating work from home life
 Course details  • The coaching environment                    for busy people in supporting roles
 Previous participants have commented…  Course type: Webinar Plus   • Structured conversations  •  Looking after the mentor: How can you help yourself when helping others?
  “I would recommend this course to my colleagues in the veterinary   Course format: A mixture of weekly webinars (which can be viewed    • Emotions and behaviour  Previous participants have commented…
 industry as well as to friends who are interested in improving their   live and/or as recorded versions throughout the course), quizzes to    • Leadership and culture  “I really enjoyed that this course supported different styles and in fact
 self-care and mental health.”  help reinforce topics discussed, supplementary reading material and   Previous participants have commented…  encouraged them. There is no one mould that fits every new grad, and I like
 discussion forums with colleagues and the tutor
 Course details  Course length: 4 weeks   “I learnt so much. This course will change my whole life not just my work life.”  that it challenged us to explore what sort of mentor we thought we were.”
 Course type: Webinar Plus   CPD hours: Up to 12   Course details  Course details
 Course format: A mixture of weekly webinars (which can be viewed    Course fee: £299  Course type: Webinar Plus with a live weekly group coaching session    Course type: Webinar Plus
 live and/or as recorded versions throughout the course), self-assessment/  Course format: A mixture of pre-recorded weekly webinars (which    Course format: A mixture of weekly webinars (which can be viewed
 reflection exercises, supplementary reading material, and tutor-moderated   Tutor  can be reviewed throughout the course), live weekly group coaching   live and/or as recorded versions throughout the course), weekly activities
 online discussion forums   Hamish Morrin MSc (International Animal Welfare, Ethics and Law)   sessions with the tutor, online and practical activities, self-assessment   and tutor-moderated online discussion forums
 Course length: 4 weeks   FHEA RVN, Lecturer in Animal Science, Writtle University College  exercises, supplementary reading material and tutor-moderated online   Course length: 4 weeks
 CPD hours: Up to 16   discussion forums                      CPD hours: Up to 16
 Course fee: £379
          Course length: 4 weeks                              Relevant to CertAVP module: Veterinary Workplace Teaching (C-VWT.1)
 Tutor    CPD hours: Up to 16                                 Course fee: £99
 Marie Holowaychuk DVM DipACVECC CYT, Small Animal Critical Care   Course fee: £379  Tutors
 Specialist and Veterinary Wellness Facilitator, Critical Care Vet Consulting
          Tutor                                               Liz Armitage-Chan MA VetMB DipACVAA PhD FHEA MRCVS, Reader
          Rachel Davis BSc PhD PGCap PGDip FHEA, Senior Lecturer in   in Veterinary Education, RVC
          Veterinary Education, RVC, Educational Consultant and Developmental   Rachel Davis BSc PhD PGCap PGDip FHEA, Senior Lecturer in
          Coach, The Coaching Cabin, Welwyn                   Veterinary Education, RVC, Educational Consultant and Developmental
                                                              Coach, The Coaching Cabin, Welwyn
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