Search - Veterinary Services
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Veterinary Orthopaedic Surgery
The Royal Veterinary College Orthopaedic Surgery Service tackles an extensive range of musculoskeletal conditions in dogs and cats, including joint disease, angular limb deformities and acute traumas such as broken legs. -
Alpaca Benefits from a Collaborative Approach After Trauma
David Bolt (Senior Lecturer in Equine Surgery) and Richard Meeson (Professor of Orthopaedics and Head of the Small Animal Orthopaedic Service) outline the case of an alpaca who benefited from the transdisciplinary approach of the RVC. Dexter at … -
Latest In Gait Assessment Technology with the Orthopaedic Service
Recently, thanks to the kind generosity of the Animal Care Trust (ACT), the RVC’s registered charity, a grant was awarded to upgrade the now out of date pressure mat, to allow the team to expand their lameness diagnosis and clinical monitoring through a state-of-the-art instrumented dog treadmill. -
Kid Gets New Lease of Life with Prosthesis
Thistle, a five-week-old kid (Nubian goat) was first referred to the RVC’s Equine Referral Hospital for evaluation of a suspected open fracture of her right front digits. She was born with what was initially believed to be an angular/flexural deformity and was treated with splints for a few weeks. -
Resilient Rocco’s Road to Recovery
A three-year-old longhaired male entire Chihuahua was mauled by a large dog, leading to severe injuries, including pelvic fractures, body wall rupture, testicular avulsion and acute kidney injury. He has bounced back and is enjoying his life, thanks to the specialist teams working together at RVC Small Animal Referrals -
Small Animal Hydrotherapy
The RVC delivers hydrotherapy in a purpose-built centre next to the Queen Mother Hospital for Animals. An underwater treadmill was updated this year. The Veterinary Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Service works closely with the Neurology and Neurosurgery Service, as well as other clinical teams, to ensure the best possible outcome for each patient. -
Exotics Radiosurgery
The acquisition of a radiosurgical unit and surgical magnification loupes by the RVC's Exotics Service has greatly expanded the depth and breadth of care that can be delivered -
Veterinary Emergency Referrals
RVC Small Animal Referrals offers the largest and best equipped emergency veterinary facility in the UK. Our Emergency Referrals Service is in operation 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It is staffed by a large team of vets and specialist veterinary nurses, who provide acute care. -
Osteoarthritis In Horses – Is There a New Option?
Roger K.W. Smith, Professor of Equine Orthopaedics The RVC Equine Referral Hospital had a world-first 20 years ago, when it cultured mesenchymal stem cells from the bone marrow of a horse suffering from an overstrain injury of its superficial … -
VetCompass – a New Direction in Veterinary Evidence
Dan O'Neill, Dave Brodbelt, Noel Kennedy and David Church, key figures in the RVC’s VetCompass programme, discuss critical milestones since the initiative was launched 15 years ago – and the value of the wider veterinary community in these …