Page 13 - RVC Welcome Pack 2023
P. 13


               Bringing pets                                   Property landlords in the UK are not obliged
                                                               to allow tenants to have pets therefore it can
               Some of you will be considering bringing your   prove more difficult to find a place to live. It is
               pet to the UK with you when you come to study   worth noting that it is likely to cost more to rent
               at the RVC. There can be great benefits and     a room or property if you are bringing a pet.
               comfort from having your pet with you in the    Homes big enough to have gardens are more
               UK, however there are important considerations   affordable further from the centre of London so
               to take into account before making the decision   you may find that you have a longer commute
               to move with them.                              to the Camden Campus in your first year/s of
               Firstly, please be aware that RVC               study and there are many extra costs when
               accommodation does not permit pets or therapy   shipping animals to the UK including airfares,
               animals, so if you are planning to live with a pet   custom fees and extra veterinary bills.
               then this will not be an option for you. There are   If you plan on bringing your pet to the UK,
               however, options in the private rental market   you will need to read the UK government’s
               that will be able to accommodate you.
                                                               legislation on bringing pets in from abroad
               If you have a disability and have an assistance   where the rules and requirements of getting
               animal then please contact   approval for your pet to enter the country are
               for advice on next steps. Further information   outlined.
               on support for disabilities and long-term health   If you are from the US, you should also consult
               differences can be found here.
                                                               the USDA APHIS for advice on taking your pet
                                                               to a foreign country.

                                                                   Further advice regarding privately rented accommodation, including
                                                                   a database of available accommodation, can be found at the
                                                                   University of London Housing Service UoLHS.

                                                                   If you are considering private rented accommodation please read
                                                                   the UoLHS housing guide that gives essential information such as
                                                                   your rights and responsibilities as a tenant.


               The Royal Veterinary College
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