RVC/FAO guide to Veterinary Parasitology
Ruminant L3: Identification key

The flowchart below is a step-by-step identification key.

Click on "Check sheath" to see the first step in more detail. At each step you will be asked to choose between two morphological features, which will lead to the next step, until the larva is identified.

You can also click on any other item on the flowchart to jump directly to that part of the identication key.


** Look out for the clickable "breadcrumbs" at the top of the identification key pages. These will help you to navigate this section.

identification key Sheath absent Sheath tail short length Refractile bodies present Sheath tail medium Sheath tail medium length Larval tail notched 16 gut cells 32 gut cells Check sheath Sheath present Rounded head Square head Sheath tail long Refractile bodies absent Larval tail not notched
