Page 59 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 24-25
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• Refugee: If you are a refugee, 15 points will be awarded   INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE
          (requires Home Office letter)                       444 at Higher Level including Biology, Chemistry and a third
           • Parental Education: If your biological parents and/or   subject of your choice. If not already holding accepted
          step-parents and/or guardians have no higher education   qualification in Maths and English, a minimum of grade 4 in SL
          qualifications, such as a degree, diploma or certificate of   Maths: EITHER MYP Mathematics (standard or extended) OR
          higher education (attendance as a mature student is exempt),   SL Mathematics Analysis and Approaches OR SL Mathematics
          5 points will be awarded. This must also be indicated on your   Applications and Interpretation and SL English A is required.
          UCAS application.
                                                              LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA
        * Please note: You should be in a position to provide proof    in ‘Applied Science’ grade DDM, ‘Applied Science (Biomedical
        of  household income if  you are going to use this criterion in   Science)’ grade DDM or ‘Animal Management (Science)’grade
        support of  your application.
                                                              DDM. Specific units mandatory, please see website.

        ROUTE B                                               WELSH BACCALAUREATE
           • You have completed all education since the age of 11 at a UK   Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate (C) with two A-Levels in
          state school that does not charge tuition fees, or is classified   Biology (C) and Chemistry (C).
          as an independent school
                                                              Scottish Highers and Advanced Highers
        and                                                   Advanced Highers at grade C or above in Biology and

           • You attended the RVC Sutton Trust summer school within the   Chemistry in addition to five Highers at grade C or above
          18 months prior to application                      including Biology and Chemistry and at least National 5 grade
                                                              C in English and Mathematics. If you have bypassed one or
        Eligibility will be determined based on the information provided   more of these subjects at National 5, you will need this subject/
        in the Supplementary Gateway Form, which applicants must   grade at Higher level.
        submit to Admissions no later than 1 February 2023. Please
                                                              ** If  you are studying linear A-Levels in science, we also
        visit for further information on the non-  require a ‘pass’ in the practical endorsement.
        academic criteria.
                                                              Please visit our website for more information.

                                                              WORK EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS
        (are required in addition to Level 3 qualifications e.g. A-Levels).   We do not require applicants to have work experience but it is
        Five GCSEs at grade 4 (C) or above, including Combined   advisable. If you can gain work experience, try to get it both in
        Science (Biology and Chemistry if taken separately), English   veterinary practice and in other animal environments in order
        Language and Mathematics.                             to develop animal handling skills and obtain an insight into the
                                                              work of veterinary surgeons.
        CCC including Biology, Chemistry and a third subject of your   If you wish to inform us of work experience you have completed,
        choice which should not overlap with Biology or Chemistry and   there is a section to do this in the Supplementary Gateway Form.
        cannot include General Studies.

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