Page 69 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
P. 69


        EMS+ Providing aspirational

        opportunities for students

        The EMS+ scheme supported by the RVC Alumni
        Fund, gives students the opportunity to take part
        in exciting and aspirational work placements that
        might otherwise have been beyond their means.
        Here are two examples from this year:

          “    This three-week placement has

          been incredibly rewarding. It’s given me
          the chance to broaden my experience in
          aquariums and marine mammal medicine and
          to learn how the welfare of captive animals
          can be maximised. This placement has been
          extremely inspiring for my future career in
          aquatic medicine. I’d like to thank the RVC
          Alumni Fund for their generous support.

          “    The veterinary professionals I had

          the pleasure of working with were eager
          teachers and pushed me to get involved.
          Getting chances to put dreams into practice
          are rare. Thank you so much to the alumni
          whose donations helped facilitate this
          opportunity. All the veterinary team eagerly
          paid their knowledge forward, something
          that I will do as I progress as well.

          Gifts in wills make                                thought would come true. Knowing someone had faith in me at
                                                             the beginning of a long and hard degree was something that
          dreams come true                                   kept me going. Having this funding helped take the worry away

                                                             and allowed me to focus on learning. It felt very bittersweet to
          The RVC has been very fortunate to have received donations   graduate. I have loved my journey at the RVC and the years
          from alumni and supporters in their wills which create a legacy   have flown by! I have big dreams and being awarded the Catt
          of fantastic support to advance animal health and care. A   Scholarship gave me the confidence to pursue them.”
          wonderful example of this is the legacy left by Elizabeth Catt
          who wanted to support RVC students. This helped us create   For more information about giving to the
          the Catt Scholarship for student nurses and this year saw the   RVC Alumni Fund or leaving a gift in your
          first ever Catt Scholar, Olivia Bowsher, graduate.
                                                               will please contact
          Olivia commented: “Studying to be a veterinary nurse at the   (you don’t have to be alumni to contribute!)
          RVC was already an achievement I had dreamed of for many   or call 01707 666237.
          years, but being a scholar student was something I never

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