Page 22 - CPD Small Animal Practice 2024
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22   Veterinary nursing                                                                                                                                                          For further information or to book visit   23

       Webinar Plus: Advanced nutrition                        Exotic animal nursing online                                   Small animal medical nursing online                     Surgical nursing: Orthopaedic surgery
       for nurses                                                  Monday 5th February to Sunday 17th March                       Monday 15th April to Sunday 26th May                    Friday 10th May                         NEW
           Monday 15th January to Sunday 11th February         The demand for reptile and avian species veterinary care is on the   Confused about medical disease processes? Wondering how the   Do you want to be more involved in orthopaedic surgeries? Are you
                                                               increase – how confident are you nursing these unique animals?   nursing care you give impacts the disease state of your patient?   bringing your true value to the operating table?
       Do you want to improve the care you can give your patients through
       providing optimal nutritional advice to your clients?   The course will cover all aspects of nursing both reptile and avian   This course will help improve your understanding of medical nursing   Surgical nurses play a key role in theatre and can significantly enhance
                                                               species in practice. It will be split into three weeks dedicated to reptiles
                                                                                                                              by looking at a range of conditions seen in clinical practice. The
                                                                                                                                                                                      the efficiency and effectiveness of the team. The aim of this course is to
       Nurses are closely involved with all aspects of pet nutrition in small animal   and three weeks dedicated to birds. It will take us back to basics as so   pathophysiology, nursing considerations and complications of a number   provide you with the skills and knowledge to be a confident member of a
       practice ranging from providing nutritional advice to clients, running   often husbandry and handling of these animals plays a huge role in their   of common medical conditions will be highlighted. Learn how patients   scrubbed-in orthopaedic surgical team. It will refresh your knowledge on
       weight loss clinics and providing nutritional support to hospitalised   care. Often inappropriate husbandry and diet in these species leads to   suffering from a range of medical conditions are nursed in clinics all   orthopaedic kits, common implants (including different plating systems,
       patients. Clients frequently ask for advice regarding what to feed their pet,   veterinary presentations, so understanding this will be a huge step in   over the UK and beyond using discussion forums and the transfer of   common cruciate surgery equipment and external skeletal fixation) and
       particularly when they develop an illness.              improving your nursing of them and a great way to improve their welfare.   knowledge through the online course platform. Test your knowledge at the   orthopaedic surgical principles. There will be lectures and practical
       With so many different veterinary prescription diets available and so much   You will also learn about aspects of inpatient care and how to effectively   end of each week with self-assessment tasks and watch your knowledge   sessions with a range of orthopaedic equipment with synthetic bone
       information on the internet about pet food, it is extremely challenging to   house these animals in a ward. Triage of these species will be discussed   grow!                  models for hands-on practice.
       differentiate helpful strategies from unsubstantiated claims. This online   as well as critical care and anaesthesia which is often slightly different to
       course will increase your knowledge and confidence about a range of   our usual canine and feline patients.            Course details                                          Course details
       nutritional topics.                                                                                                    Course type: e-CPD        CPD hours: Up to 18           Course type: Onsite       CPD hours: 8
                                                               Course details
       Course details                                                                                                         Course length: 6 weeks    Course fee: £350              Course length: 1 day      Course fee: £549
                                                               Course type: e-CPD        CPD hours: Up to 18
       Course type: Webinar Plus  CPD hours: Up to 12          Course length: 6 weeks    Course fee: £350                     Tutor                                                   Tutors
       Course length: 4 weeks    Course fee: £315                                                                             Gina Parkes DipAVN (Small animal) PGCertVetEd RVN FHEA,    Rhiannon Strickland BVetMed MVetMed PGCertVetEd DipECVS MRCVS,
                                                               Tutors                                                         Head Medicine Nurse, RVC                                Lecturer in Small Animal Surgery, RVC
       Dan Chan DVM DipACVECC DipECVECC DipACVN FHEA MRCVS,    Kelly Deane FdSc RVN CertVNES, Veterinary Nurse (Exotics),                                                             Matthew Pead BVetMed PhD CertSAO FHEA MRCVS,
                                                                                                                                                                                      Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Orthopaedics, RVC
                                                               Acorn House, RVC
       Professor of Emergency and Critical Care and Clinical Nutrition, RVC  Abigail Edis FdSc RVN CertVNES, Exotics Veterinary Nurse, RVC                                            Proudly supported by Veterinary Instrumentation
       Aarti Kathrani BVetMed PhD DipACVIM (SAIM) DipACVIM (Nutrition)
       FHEA MRCVS, Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Internal Medicine, RVC

       Anaesthesia and analgesia for veterinary                Don’t let it get on your nerves – nursing                      Webinar Plus: Chemotherapy practice                     CT and MRI for veterinary nurses online
       nurses online                                           neurology patients online                                      management essentials                                       Monday 3rd June to Sunday 14th July
           Monday 29th January to Sunday 10th March                Monday 12th February to Sunday 24th March                      Monday 22nd April to Sunday 19th May                Would you like to learn more about CT and MRI, how they work and their
                                                                                                                                                                                      applications in veterinary practice?
       Do you need an anaesthesia refresher or are you looking to increase your   Finding your feet with neurology nursing.   Are you responsible for administering or caring for patients receiving
       knowledge of anaesthesia and analgesia?                 This online course aims to provide nurses with the ability to expand their   cytotoxic medications?                    Use of CT and MRI is becoming more widespread in veterinary practice
       This online learning course is aimed at qualified veterinary nurses working   understanding, knowledge and skills when presented with patients with   The need to treat patients with chemotherapy agents is on an upward   and the veterinary nurses’ role in this area is slowly increasing, with some
                                                                                                                                                                                      RVNs moving towards specialising solely in imaging.
       within the primary care setting who want to refresh their knowledge,   neurological disease. The course will cover: how to nurse the recumbent   trend, both in the general and referral practice setting. As veterinary
       learn some new things and update in some of the recent advances in   patient – from presentation to rehabilitation; how to nurse the patient with   professionals, it is our responsibility to understand the essential   This course will cover CT and MRI and their applications in veterinary
       anaesthesia and analgesia.                              brain disease – what’s “normal” and what’s not; and how to spot and deal   requirements of working safely with cytotoxic and cytostatic medications   practice, delving deeper into the physics of how these modalities
                                                                                                                                                                                      work and how RVNs can utilise these in practice. Through the use of
       This course could also be suitable for student veterinary nurses who   with common neurological complications.         and to practice without a risk to health. Interpreting the information   cases studies, videos and online discussions, RVNs will develop their
       have regular clinical anaesthesia exposure, who have completed the   Course details                                    available to us can be challenging, as there are currently no robust   knowledge and understanding of these machines, with a view to assist
       anaesthesia modules in their training programme and are now keen                                                       veterinary guidelines to direct us.                     with these procedures in practice, allowing them to play a vital role in the
       to develop this area of their clinical work. The course will provide a   Course type: e-CPD  CPD hours: Up to 18       This course looks at the relevant areas of practice management (personal   diagnosis and treatment of patients.
       theoretical and practical approach to the realities of anaesthesia and   Course length: 6 weeks  Course fee: £350      protective clothing, closed system devices, dealing with accidents, staff
       analgesia in practice with some added extras!                                                                          and client education) that will enhance your knowledge of the subject,   Course details
                                                               Tutors                                                         assist you with equipment decisions and help you develop robust and
       Course details                                                                                                         safe systems of work.                                   Course type: e-CPD        CPD hours: Up to 18
                                                               Holly Smith DipAVN (Surgical) RVN Level 3 Hydrotherapy,
       Course type: e-CPD        CPD hours: Up to 24           Head Nurse Neurology and Rehabilitation, RVC                   Course details                                          Course length: 6 weeks    Course fee: £350
       Course length: 6 weeks    Course fee: £450              Helen Webb GradDipVN RVN Level 3 Hydrotherapy,                                                                         Tutor
                                                               Senior Nurse Neurology and Rehabilitation, RVC                 Course type: Webinar Plus  CPD hours: Up to 12
       Tutors                                                                                                                 Course length: 4 weeks    Course fee: £315              Ashley Moors FdSc GradDipVN PGCertVetEd RVN FHEA,
       Lisa Angell VTS (Anaesthesia/Analgesia) PGCertVetEd RVN,                                                                                                                       Veterinary Radiographer, RVC
       Head Anaesthesia Nurse, RVC                                                                                            Tutor                                                   Proudly supported by VetCT
       Claire Sneddon RVN, Senior Anaesthesia Veterinary Nurse, RVC                                                           Nicola Read MSc (Vet. Nursing) PGCert (Oncology Nursing)
                                                                                                                              PGCertVetEd DipAVN (Med) AFHEA RVN, Head Oncology Nurse, RVC
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