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76  RVC CPD 2022  RCVS Certificate in Advanced                                                               77
          Veterinary Practice (CERTAVP)


 Enrolment details  RVC CertAVP candidates have said…  The learning objectives and syllabus for each module have been   Equine
 You can enrol with the RVC throughout the year and must also    “I have also found myself engaging with veterinary medicine in a    developed by the RCVS. See for detailed   C-E.1  Equine Gastrointestinal Disease and Intensive Care
 enrol with the RCVS (please see the RCVS website for details –    different and more enjoyable way than I previously thought possible.    information about content, assessment and learning support for   C-E.2  Equine Cardiovascular and Respiratory Disease The C modules have an annual assessment   I have soliloquised to my colleagues about how useful it is for everyone    modules assessed by the RVC.  C-E.3  Equine General Medicine
 cycle so it is advised to enrol before a cycle begins; check the module   to complete this [AFAVP] module.”  A-FAVP.1 Module: Foundations of Advanced Veterinary Practice  C-E.4  Equine Neuromuscular, Behaviour and Special Sense
 outlines on the website ( for the timetable    “This [AFAVP] module has given me a renewed appreciation for the    Assessment for this module requires the candidate to write three essays  Global Veterinary Public Health
 or contact for enrolment advice. The fees for    fact that I have ownership of and am personally responsible for my    related to professional issues: Principles of professional reasoning and  C-VPH.1   Animal Welfare in the Food Chain
 the 2021/2022 academic year are:
 own continuing education and the direction it takes. I am now in a    decision making; Animal welfare, professional conduct and veterinary  C-VPH.2   Hygienic Production of Food
 RVC registration fee: £50   better position to identify gaps in my knowledge and skills and most   ethics; and Quality and safety in veterinary practice. The essays are  Pathology
 RVC module fee: £650 per module  importantly how to proactively address them.”  submitted electronically, the candidate is not required to attend the RVC.  C-VP.1   Basic Tissue Pathology, Necropsy and Biopsy
          There is also a short online quiz of multiple choice questions, covering
 Learning support  “I have realised that self-reflection is only part of self-improvement, it    Animal and public health protection, Emergency care and the RCVS  C-VP.2   Clinical Pathology – Laboratory Diagnostics
 You will receive support throughout your studies from the CertAVP team,   is not enough to simply reflect, you need to actually change what you    Code of Professional Conduct. The final assessment activity is a  Poultry
 1-2-1 coaching, extensive written feedback from assessors and access    do/how you act in future situations. Understanding this has made me    reflective essay of the candidate’s learning through the module.  C-POU.1  Husbandry and Management
 to relevant online resources. Once enrolled on A-FAVP.1, you will be   a better vet, colleague and friend.”  C-POU.2  Disease Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment
 allocated a tutor who will assess and give written feedback on all your   “I was completely unaware how much the module A essays would impact   B Modules: Clinical Practice  C.POU.3    Minor Poultry Species, Hatcheries and Incubation,
 essays. You will also have a video call with your tutor for verbal feedback    my daily practice: sending me in thought-provoking directions I never   The B modules in Clinical Practice are assessed by submission of    Poultry Processing and Legislation
 on your first essay. The tutor will have the opportunity to support your   before considered pursuing and allowing me to grow in ways I never   case reports and a reflective essay. Candidates are not required to
 development, which will lead to an improved personal learning experience.  attend the RVC for assessment.  Primary Care (assessed in collaboration with Vet Learning Ltd)
 thought possible.”
 Online resources include sample case diaries, case reports and exam   “I’m sure that I could have achieved better grades with some safer,    B-SAP.1  Small Animal Practice    C-VCG.1   Clinical Governance in Veterinary Practice
                                                                         Clinical Audit
 questions, interesting literature, helpful articles, links to electronic   more familiar topics, but that isn’t what this CertAVP is about to me.    B-PAP.2  Production Animal Practice – cattle, sheep and camelids   C-VGP.2    Consultation Skills
 journals, videos, and clinical cases with model answers. A recorded   It is about self-directed, critical, lifelong learning. Staying in your comfort   B-PAP.2  Production Animal Practice – poultry   C-VGP.3   Professional Responsibility and Practice
 webinar is available for each specific discipline giving advice and tips    zone won’t benefit you as a veterinary surgeon, and I’m ready to take    B-EP.3  Equine Practice  C-VML.1    Principles of Veterinary Management and Leadership
 on preparing for module assessment tasks. You will have access to the   the next step again.”  C Modules  C-VCM.1     Principles of Coaching and Mentoring Development
 RVC library, both online and in person, and an Athens account (which   C modules are assessed by a variety of methods depending on the   in Veterinary Practice
 allows access to many journals online).  “Studying for the B module has been difficult at times but rewarding.    discipline. Most require some form of case diary, several case reports,
 I can see how it has led to improving not only my own practice but    Small Animal Medicine
 Some of the RVC CPD courses in 2022 specifically address learning   that of my whole team. It really helped to have evidence to support    essays and examination (at the RVC).   C-SAM.7   Small Animal Neurological Medicine
 objectives in various CertAVP modules. In addition, many other RVC   my suggestions. I believe this was key in my getting my colleagues    Anaesthesia  C-SAM.8   Small Animal Medicine A
 CPD courses cover topics relevant to veterinarians enrolled on the   to implement changes in longstanding protocols.”  C-VA.1   Small Animal Anaesthesia and Analgesia   C-SAM.9    Small Animal Medicine B
 CertAVP. CertAVP candidates are eligible for discounted RVC CPD   C-VA.2   Equine Anaesthesia and Analgesia   C-SAM.10    Small Animal Medicine C
 courses – please contact our office for further details.
          C-VA.3    Critical Care and Analgesia
 Course Director  Cardiology                                  Small Animal Surgery
                                                                         Small Animal Surgery Core
 Professor Jill Maddison BVSc DipVetClinStud PhD FACVSc SFHEA   C-VC.1   Cardiovascular Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology   C-SAS.2  Soft Tissue Surgery A
 MRCVS, Professor of General Practice, RVC
          C-VC.2    Cardiovascular Diagnostics                C-SAS.3    Soft Tissue Surgery B
 More details on the CertAVP, how to apply and fees can be   C-VC.3   Cardiovascular Therapeutics  C-SAS.6  Orthopaedic Surgery A
 found online at                        C-SAS.7    Orthopaedic Surgery B
          Diagnostic Imaging
          C-VDI.1   Diagnostic Imaging in Practice            Teaching
          C-VDI.2   Small Animal Imaging (Orthopaedic)        C-VWT.1    Veterinary Workplace Teaching
          C-VDI.3   Small Animal Imaging (Soft Tissue)
          C-VDI.4    Large Animal Imaging
          C-VDI.5   Large Animal Imaging
 I’m absolutely loving it. While I only qualified in the summer of 2015, I was
 beginning to experience a sense of stagnation in practice and the structured,   Emergency and Critical Care
                    Critical Care
 self-directed learning experience this B-SAP.1 module has provided for me    C-ECC.2   Emergency Care A
 has been amazing.”  C-ECC.3   Emergency Care B

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