Page 52 - CPD 2022
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52 RVC CPD 2022 Equine practice 53
Equine radiology online – the distal limb Webinars: Fundamentals of equine practice Further equine dentistry – a step Equine radiology online – the proximal limb
beyond the routine
Monday 24th January UPDATED Various dates in February, NEW NEW Monday 6th June UPDATED
to Sunday 6th March March, April and May Saturday 21st May to Sunday 17th July
Would you like to be able to take better diagnostic radiographs of the Do you feel you have some gaps in your knowledge about everyday equine Are you looking to perform a bit more than routine rasping without wanting Would you like to be able to take better diagnostic radiographs of the
distal limb and to interpret them with more confidence? ailments? Do you worry whether you’re up-to-date with new techniques? to become a specialist? proximal limb and to interpret them with more confidence?
This course will cover the essentials of equine radiography and radiology This new set of webinars aims to expand on the courses delivered over This course is aimed at practitioners who are happy performing routine This course will cover the essentials of equine radiography and radiology
of the equine distal limb. For each area of the limb, the practical approach previous years to give equine practitioners the most up-do-date information rasping of day-to-day cases and want to develop their skills further without of the equine proximal limb. For each area of the limb, the practical
on how to get the best images will be shown as well as how to optimise on a range of common equine ailments. The lectures will provide practical seeking to become a specialist. The course aims to fill the gap between a approach on how to get the best images will be shown as well as how
the quality of the images. information with case examples. The whole course of webinars can be basic and advanced course. The course lectures will be delivered as to optimise the quality of the images.
purchased or individual webinars as a “pick and mix” option. recorded webinars (to be watched in your own time before the practical
Radiographic cases covering the most common, but also not so common, day) followed by a day of practical sessions and case discussions. Radiographic cases covering the most common, but also not so common,
lesions will be presented for individual study. Radiographic findings will be Why do this course? lesions will be presented for individual study. Radiographic findings will be
discussed in relation to their clinical significance with respect to the You will receive up-to-date, in depth and practical information in each Why do this course? discussed in relation to their clinical significance with respect to the
medical evidence available. subject area from a team of highly experienced and informed tutors. You will build on your current knowledge and learn about more advanced medical evidence available.
dentistry techniques that can be performed in the field.
Why do this course? Webinar topics Why do this course?
You will be involved in a multifaceted online tutored learning experience that • Monday 28th February: Pre-purchase examination – gait and ridden Key areas You will be involved in a multifaceted online tutored learning experience
will improve your knowledge about taking and interpreting radiographs of the assessment • Expanding your dental kit to do a bit more that will improve your knowledge about taking and interpreting radiographs
foot, pastern, fetlock, metacarpus and metatarsus. • Monday 7th March: Managing horses in high level competition • Dental biomechanics and the aetiopathogenesis of common of the carpus, elbow, shoulder, tarsus, stifle, and pelvis.
• Monday 14th March: Imaging of the neck dental disease
This course can be purchased on its own or as part of a series with: • Monday 21st March: Interpretation of head x-rays • Beyond routine rasping –tricky cases and overgrowths This course can be purchased on its own or as part of a series with:
• Equine radiology online – the proximal limb – see page 53 • Monday 28th March: The carpus – imaging and treatment • Dental nerve blocks and imaging • Equine radiology online – the distal limb – see page 52
• Equine radiology online – the head, neck and back – see page 56 • Equine radiology online – the head, neck and back – see page 56
• Wednesday 27th April: The hock – imaging and treatment • Managing periodontal disease/diastema in practice
Key areas • Wednesday 4th May: Sacroiliac joint ligament syndrome • Holes in teeth, which ones are significant? Key areas
• How to take good radiographs of the different areas of the distal limb • Wednesday 11th May: Melanomas and sarcoids • What to do with a fractured tooth • How to take good radiographs of the different areas of the proximal limb
• Assessing and improving the diagnostic quality of radiographs • Wednesday 18th May: Soft tissue injuries of the fetlock and pastern • Managing dental disease in geriatric patients • Assessing and improving the diagnostic quality of radiographs
• Developing a systematic approach to reading radiographs – imaging and treatment • Developing a systematic approach to reading radiographs
Course details
Previous participants have commented… For more information on each individual webinar, please visit our website. Course type: Recorded webinars and onsite Previous participants have commented…
“Anyone who thinks they know everything will always be surprised by Course details Course format: Practical sessions using live horses and cadaver “All tutors answered my questions and more importantly furnished me with
what they can still learn on a course such as this!” material, case-based discussions and 8 one-hour recorded webinars scientific papers supporting their reasoning.”
Course type: Webinar
Course details Course format: Live webinar with an opportunity for Q&A with the to be viewed before the onsite course Course details
Course length: 1 day and 8 hours of webinar viewing
Course type: e-CPD lecturer plus access to a recorded version for 2 weeks CPD hours: Up to 16 Course type: e-CPD
Course format: An intensive tutor-moderated online learning Course length: 1 hour per webinar Relevant to CertAVP modules: Equine Practice (B-EP.3), Course format: An intensive tutor-moderated online learning
experience. Resources include online presentations, electronic course CPD hours: 1 per webinar Equine (C-E.6, 7, 15, 16 and 17) experience. Resources include online presentations, electronic course
notes, case assessments, online quizzes, supplementary reading material Relevant to CertAVP modules: Equine Practice (B-EP.3), Course fee: £550 notes, case assessments, online quizzes, supplementary reading material
and discussion forums in which participants review and discuss cases Equine (C-E.6, 7, 15, 16 and 17) and discussion forums in which participants review and discuss cases
with their colleagues and the tutor Course fee: £30 each or £245 for all 9* Tutors with their colleagues and the tutor
Course length: 6 weeks *Recorded versions will be made available to purchase for £20 each Tim Barnett BSc BVM&S MSc CertAVP DipECVS DipEVDC-EQ Course length: 6 weeks
CPD hours: Up to 42 approximately 2 weeks after the live course date. MRCVS, RCVS Recognised Specialist and EBVS® European Specialist CPD hours: Up to 42
Relevant to CertAVP modules: Large Animal Imaging (C-VDI.4 and 5) in Equine Surgery, RCVS Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Dentistry Relevant to CertAVP modules: Large Animal Imaging (C-VDI.4 and 5)
Course fee: £725 for 1 course, £1,399 for 2 courses or £1,999 for all 3 Tutors (Equine), Rossdales Equine Hospital and Diagnostic Centre Course fee: £725 for 1 course, £1,399 for 2 courses or £1,999 for all 3
Andy Fiske-Jackson BVSc MVetMed DipECVS FHEA MRCVS, Andy Fiske-Jackson BVSc MVetMed DipECVS FHEA MRCVS, Senior
Tutors Senior Lecturer in Equine Surgery, RVC Lecturer in Equine Surgery, RVC Tutors
Dagmar Berner DipECVDI MRCVS, Lecturer in Equine Nicola Lynch MVB MVetMed CertAVP DipECVS MRCVS, Staff Clinician Rob Pascoe BVSc BAEDT DipAVDC MRCVS, RCVS and American Dagmar Berner DipECVDI MRCVS, Lecturer in Equine
Diagnostic Imaging, RVC in Equine Surgery, RVC Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Dentistry (Equine), Equine Dentistry Diagnostic Imaging, RVC
Maren Hellige MRCVS, Senior Veterinarian in Radiology, Rhiannon Morgan BSc BVSc MVetMed CertAVP PhD DipECVDI Referrals Ltd Maren Hellige MRCVS, Senior Veterinarian in Radiology,
University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover MRCVS, Lecturer in Equine Diagnostic Imaging, RVC Kieran Rowley BVSc CertAVP(EM)(ED) PGCertVPS MRCVS, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Gabriel Manso Díaz DVM MSc PhD DipECVDI MRCVS, Lecturer in Advanced Veterinary Practitioner in Equine Medicine and Equine Dentistry, Gabriel Manso Díaz DVM MSc PhD DipECVDI MRCVS, Lecturer in
Large Animal Diagnostic Imaging, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, The Equine Dental Surgery, Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire Large Animal Diagnostic Imaging, Universidad Complutense de Madrid,
Consultant in Equine Diagnostic Imaging, RVC Consultant in Equine Diagnostic Imaging, RVC