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46                                                                                     RVC CPD 2022                     Small animal diagnostic imaging                                                                     47

         Webinar Plus: Thoracic and                          Webinar Plus: Integrating                                           Master class online:                                Small animal veterinary computed tomography
         abdominal radiology                                 echocardiography into your clinical practice                        Diagnostic imaging of the                           online: Head/neck, musculoskeletal and
                                                                                                                                 abdomen                                             neurological applications

         Monday 14th March                        UPDATED    Monday 14th March                        UPDATED                    Monday 13th June                                    Monday 19th September
         to Sunday 10th April                                to Sunday 10th April                                                to Sunday 24th July                                 to Sunday 30th October
         Would you like to feel more confident in interpreting thoracic and   “I’ve done the echo, now what?!”                   Feeling a little unsure about how to interpret the abdominal radiograph    Are you using or planning to use computed tomography (CT) in
         abdominal radiographs?                                                                                                  of the dog or cat with a painful abdomen?           your practice?
                                                             Developing proficiency in practical echocardiography is a challenge
         This online course for small animal veterinarians will refresh aspects of   in itself, but obtaining good images is only the start. The purpose of   Today many diagnostic modalities are available in veterinary practice to   This online course will help you to understand CT technology and its
         thoracic and abdominal radiographic anatomy and essential pathological   echocardiography is to help with clinical decision-making. This course    evaluate the abdomen of the patient, including radiographs, ultrasound,   diagnostic utilisation for evaluation of the head and neck, musculoskeletal
         concepts. There will be numerous case examples, quizzes, selected   will focus on how to use the results of your echocardiography to make   CT and scintigraphy. What information does each modality deliver and   system and nervous system. It will equip you with the knowledge to
         background reading and discussion forums to help you increase your ability   better clinical decisions on a day-to-day basis in canine and feline patients   how do I utilise the modalities best to optimise my diagnostic approach?   successfully integrate CT in your small animal veterinary practice –
         to correctly interpret radiographs. Emphasis will be on the most prevalent   with suspected heart disease. It is designed to be suitable for participants    This course will help you to sharpen your skills by working through the   onsite or offsite.
         conditions affecting dogs and cats in first opinion practice, as well as   with some echocardiography experience, but you don’t need to be an   abdominal anatomy and disease patterns using the different diagnostic   A review of practically applicable CT technology used in small animals
         common causes of error.                             expert echocardiographer to get something out of this course.       imaging tools.
                                                                                                                                                                                     will lay the foundation for understanding the information displayed on
         Why do this course?                                 The role of echocardiography will be critically evaluated in a problem    Why do this course?                           CT images and also help to optimise image acquisition for practitioners
         After this in-depth refresher course on the essentials of thoracic and   based approach, looking at common presenting problems in dogs and cats.   By working thoroughly through many cases, you will learn how best to   who have a CT unit onsite.
         abdominal radiology, you will be able to manage your patients more   For each diagnostic challenge, the role of other diagnostic tests will also    utilise radiographs, ultrasound, CT and scintigraphy in your diagnostic   Why do this course?
         efficiently, save your clients money and gain satisfaction from applying    be reviewed, as well as guidance on treatment.  approach to the abdomen of your small animal patients.  This course will help you to utilise CT on or offsite and build your
         your own diagnostic skills.
                                                             Why do this course?                                                 Key areas                                           confidence in performing and interpreting CT studies in dogs and cats.
         Key areas                                           Many courses focus solely on echocardiographic imaging and          • How to utilise the advantages of each of the imaging modalities  Key areas
         • Thoracic radiographic anatomy and variants        measurements, but this course will explain how you can use          • Learn a practical and structured approach to evaluate the abdomen  • Practical review of CT technology
         • Distinguishing different pulmonary diseases       echocardiography to get the best outcome for your patient.          • Practice and assess your reading skills with a large number of review cases  • CT of the head and neck
         • Diagnosis of cardiac disease and cardiac failure  Key areas                                                           Previous participants have commented…               • CT of the musculoskeletal system
         • Thoracic masses                                   • Essential echo views and how to get them                          “The course refreshed my approach to assessing good quality abdominal   • CT of the nervous system (brain, spine)
         • Abdominal radiographic anatomy                    • The older dog with a murmur                                       radiographs and helped me to gain more confidence using ultrasound.”
         • Gastric and intestinal disorders, including obstruction  • The large breed dog with a murmur or arrhythmia                                                                Previous participants have commented…
         • Imaging the urinary tract                                                                                             Course details                                      “Level of information and support provided was excellent. Really
                                                             • The asymptomatic cat with a murmur
         Previous participants have commented…               • The cat presenting with respiratory distress                      Course type: e-CPD                                  informative course.”
                                                                                                                                 Course format: An intensive tutor-moderated online learning
         “This course helped me feel more prepared and capable in assessing   • Spectral and colour Doppler echocardiography     experience. Resources include electronic course notes, supplementary   “Every single day I learned something new!”
         radiography in my practice.”
                                                             Previous participants have commented…                               reading, quizzes, case assessments, and discussion forums in which   Course details
         Course details                                      “Very useful course –I now feel more equipped for cardio cases!”    participants review and discuss cases with their colleagues and the tutor   Course type: e-CPD
         Course type: Webinar Plus with a live weekly Q&A session   Course details                                               Course length: 6 weeks                              Course format: An intensive tutor-moderated online learning
         Course format: A mixture of weekly pre-recorded webinars (which    Course type: Webinar Plus with a live weekly Q&A session   CPD hours: Up to 42                           experience. Resources include electronic course notes, videos,
         can be viewed throughout the course), live weekly Q&A sessions with   Course format: A mixture of weekly pre-recorded webinars (which can   Relevant to CertAVP module: Small Animal Imaging (C-VDI.3)   supplementary reading, quizzes, case assessments and discussion
         the tutor, online case assessment exercises, supplementary reading   be viewed throughout the course), live weekly Q&A sessions with the   Course fee: £725                 forums in which participants review and discuss cases with their
         material and tutor-moderated online discussion forums    tutor, self-assessment exercises, supplementary reading material and   Tutor                                       colleagues and the tutor
         Course length: 4 weeks                              tutor-moderated online discussion forums                            Randi Drees PhD DipACVR (Radiology, Radiation Oncology)   Course length: 6 weeks
         CPD hours: Up to 16                                 Course length: 4 weeks                                              DipECVDI add RadOncol PGCertAP MRCVS, Associate Professor    CPD hours: Up to 42
         Relevant to CertAVP modules: Small Animal Medicine (C-SAM.8),   CPD hours: Up to 16                                     in Diagnostic Imaging, RVC                          Course fee: £775
         Diagnostic Imaging (C-VDI.1 and 3)                  Relevant to CertAVP modules: Cardiovascular Diagnostics (C-VC.2),                                                       Tutor
         Course fee: £379
                                                             Small Animal Imaging (C-VDI.3)                                                                                          Randi Drees PhD DipACVR (Radiology, Radiation
         Tutor                                               Course fee: £379                                                                                                        Oncology) DipECVDI add RadOncol PGCertAP MRCVS, Associate
         Helen Dirrig BVetMed MVetMed DipACVR DipECVDI MRCVS,    Tutor                                                                                                               Professor in Diagnostic Imaging, RVC
         Lecturer in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging, RVC
                                                             Virginia Luis Fuentes VetMB PhD CertVR DVC DipACVIM
                                                             DipECVIM-CA MRCVS, Professor of Veterinary Cardiology, RVC
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