Search - Veterinary Services
201 - 210 of 352 results
Benchtop Analyser vs Expert Opinion
Laureen Peters and Emma Holmes, Lecturers in Clinical Pathology at the Royal Veterinary College discuss the limitations of the benchtop analysis in the vet practice lab -
The Value of a New Digital Pathology Platform
The Royal Veterinary College has establishment a digital pathology platform, which allows digital scanning of glass slides to produce high-resolution digital slide images. -
Laying the Foundations of Groundbreaking Treatments
Royal Veterinary College Professor of Molecular Immunology Dirk Werling explains how the evolution of fascilities at the RVC will lay the foundations of research that will help animals globally. -
Antimicrobials on the farm: The need for responsible use to tackle AMR
Antimicrobials are regularly misused. They have been considered the easy option, without apparent side-effects. -
Aortic thromboembolism: Anything new?
Aortic thromboembolism (ATE) is a devastating complication of cardiomyopathy in cats. It is one of the most distressing diseases seen in veterinary medicine and often results in euthanasia due to its poor prognosis. -
Rabbit Vaccination Concerns
Nadene Stapleton, Veterinary Surgeon (Exotics) at the Royal Veterinary College's Beaumont Sainsbury Animal Hospital discusses the problem of animals not being vaccinated, incuding pet rabbits, which are at risk of a fatal infectious disease. -
RVC Dermatologists Collaborate with WAVD on Clinical Consensus Guidelines and Webinars
Two RVC dermatologists, Dr Anette Loeffler and Professor Ross Bond, have collaborated with the World Association for Veterinary Dermatology on commissioning an open-access series of clinical consensus guidelines -
Advances in the Identification of Horses and Ponies at an Increased Risk of Laminitis
RVC researchers have been studying laminitis for over 20 years and were among the first to define endocrinopathic laminitis. They have also been in recent advances in the Identification of Horses and Ponies at an Increased Risk of Laminitis -
A Promising New Therapy for Dogs with Chronic Spinal Cord Injury
RVC experts are trialling a promising new treatment for dogs with spinal cord injury -
Corneal Cross-Linking Capacity
The RVC’s Ophthalmology Service now offers corneal cross-linking (CXL), which is a cost-effective alternative to surgical treatment and can allow the cornea to heal more naturally