Search - Fact Files
These fact files are written by RVC veterinary surgeons to provide animal owners with information about various veterinary conditions and procedures.
1 - 10 of 21 results
Fact File
Open heart surgery information
The RVC is one of the few veterinary centres in the world with a cardiothoracic surgery programme
Fact File
Heatstroke in dogs and cats
Heatstroke in dogs and cats
Fact File
Information sheet for vets: Therapeutic plasma exchange
Therapeutic plasma exchange are extracorporeal therapies which fall under the broader category of therapeutics called apheresis which means ‘to take away’
Fact File
Keyhole (minimally invasive) surgery
The benefits of keyhole surgery (minimally invasive surgery)
Fact File
Canine cataracts
Cataracts are one of the most common causes of vision loss in dogs and frequently lead to blindness
Fact File
Psittacosis is a zoonotic disease, which means that it can be transmitted from birds to people.
Fact File
Respiratory distress in cats and dogs
Respiratory distress (dyspnoea) in cats and dogs can be gradually progressive or come on very rapidly with few warning signs
Fact File
Cataract surgery
The cataract surgery success rate in dogs and cats and cats is considered high
Fact File
Corneal ulcers
There are several reasons why corneal ulcers appear. Most ulcers in dogs and cats are the result of trauma
Fact File
How to administer eye treatment to your pet
Applying eye drops and ointments to your pet safely