Search - Small Animal Vet
61 - 70 of 83 results
Joint Replacement
The Royal Veterinary College has a dedicated team that look after the dogs having joint replacements -
Dermatology Techniques
The RVC's Dermatology Service's collaborates closely with our other specialist clinical services to provide the best treatments possible -
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Canine cataracts
Cataracts are one of the most common causes of vision loss in dogs and frequently lead to blindness
ICU Emergency Room
RVC Small Animal Referrals has one of the best equipped veterinary Intensive Care Units (ICUs) in Europe. Our large and experienced team cares for the sickest dogs and cats around the clock. -
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Respiratory distress in cats and dogs
Respiratory distress (dyspnoea) in cats and dogs can be gradually progressive or come on very rapidly with few warning signs
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How to administer eye treatment to your pet
Applying eye drops and ointments to your pet safely
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Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA)
Progressive retinal atrophy is an inherited condition that affects several breeds
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Keratoconjuncitivitis sicca (dry eye)
Low tear production is the most common form of dry eye in dogs
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Medial canthoplasty
Medial canthoplasty for dogs
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Corneal surgical repair
Corneal surgical repair encourage corneal healing and prevents further