Search - Small Animal Vet
1 - 6 of 6 results
Veterinary Ophthalmology
The Royal Veterinary College Ophthalmology Referral Service treats dog, cat and other small animal eye conditions. The team also offers ophthalmology service to the Equine Referral Hospital of the RVC. -
Minimally Invasive (Keyhole) Surgery
Common abdominal and thoracic surgical procedures that can be performed in dogs and cats at RVC Small Animal Referrals using minimally invasive surgical equipment -
Veterinary Neurology and Neurosurgery
The Royal Veterinary College has the most advanced Neurology and Neurosurgery Referral Service in the UK, providing diagnostic services and treatments such as intracranial biopsies and hypophysectomies that few other centres in the world can offer. -
Brachycephaly Expertise
The Royal Veterinary College has the only specialist clinic in UK for brachycephalic dog breeds, also known as short-muzzled or short-nosed dogs. -
Veterinary Soft Tissue Surgery
The RVC veterinary soft tissue surgery specialists provide reconstructive and medical surgery for dog, cat and other small animal referrals, including genito-urinary, gastro-intestinal, recto-anal and cardiothoracic conditions. -
Fact File
Corneal ulcers
There are several reasons why corneal ulcers appear. Most ulcers in dogs and cats are the result of trauma