Search - Small Animal Vet
1 - 10 of 11 results
Veterinary Orthopaedic Surgery
The Royal Veterinary College Orthopaedic Surgery Service tackles an extensive range of musculoskeletal conditions in dogs and cats, including joint disease, angular limb deformities and acute traumas such as broken legs. -
Exotic Pets and Small Mammals
The RVC Exotics and Small Mammals Service provides referral vet services for exotic pets including small mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians and ornamental fish. -
Veterinary Cardiology
The RVC veterinary cardiology service handles specialist clinical cardiac referrals in dogs, cats and other small animals with congenital and acquired cardiac conditions -
Advanced canine and feline cardiology diagnostic services
The RVC veterinary cardiology service handles specialist clinical referrals in dogs, cats and other small animals with cardiac conditions, such as heart failure, murmurs and arrhythmia. Procedures performed include permanent pacemaker implantation and treatment of valvular stenosis using balloon valvuloplasty. -
Clinical Services
With a team of over 200 dedicated and professional staff, the RVC offers the largest and most comprehensive small animal referral service in Europe -
Veterinary diagnostic imaging
RVC Small Animal Referrals would not be possible without the specialist expertise and world-class facilities of our Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging Service, which uses some of the most most up-to-date equipment in the UK. -
Trauma Centre
Trauma accounts for 10% of the emergency admissions in veterinary medicine and some of them may require advanced diagnostics and treatment. -
Interventional Radiology
The Royal Veterinary College is at the forefront of the veterinary application of interventional radiology (IR). IR provides state-of-the-art solutions for debilitating and life-threatening conditions using minimally invasive techniques -
Case Study
3D printing helps salvage limb
The new technology can be used to produce prostheses for smaller, lighter animals
Fact File
SUB ureter bypass system for treatment of ureteric obstruction
Ureteric obstruction treated with subcutaneous ureteric bypass system